Jahed Abedi
Assistant Professor
Group: General Relativity and Partial Differential Equations
Office: A15-102
Email: jahed.abedi@bimsa.cn
Research Field: General Relativity, Gravitational Wave Astronomy
Webpage: https://www.bimsa.net/people/JahedAbedi/
Jahed Abedi is a black hole physicist with a broad interest in gravitational physics, bridging both observational and theoretical domains. On the observational side, his work focuses on the search for gravitational wave (GW) echoes and Quasi-Normal Modes (QNMs) in LIGO/Virgo data, while his theoretical research delves into black hole perturbations, QNMs, and Quantum Field Theory (QFT) in curved space-time. Jahed was awarded the 2019 Buchalter Cosmology First Prize for one of his publications where he served as the lead author, reflecting the high impact of his research. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, as well as a Master's and PhD in Physics. His research seeks to answer several critical questions: How can a better pipeline be developed to test the Kerr nature of observed Binary Black Hole Mergers through black hole spectroscopy? With improved methods, can additional subdominant Quasi-Normal Modes (QNMs) be detected? Can these results validate previous searches or reveal deviations from General Relativity in GW data? What quantum effects might be expected from black holes, and if they exist, how significant are they? Can such effects be observed? Lastly, how can gravitational wave data confirm or rule out alternatives to classical black holes or their mimickers? Jahed's work continues to push the frontiers of black hole physics, and he remains open to collaborations and inquiries from those interested in his research.
Research Interest
- Gravitational Wave Astronomy
- Black Hole Physics
Education Experience
- 2012 - 2017 Sharif University of Technology Physics Ph.D Thesis: "Quantum Black Holes: Conformal Anomaly Effects, Echoes in Gravitational Waves", Awarded with Excellent Credit (Supervisor: Hessamaddin Arfaei, Co-Supervisor: Niayesh Afshordi)
Work Experience
- 2024 - BIMSA Assistant Professor
- 2021 - 2024 University of Stavanger, Department of Mathematics and Physics Postdoc
- 2018 - 2021 Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Albert Einstein Institute (AEI) Hannover Postdoc
- 2016 - 2017 Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics Visiting Scholar
Honors and Awards
- 2024 Seventeenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Invited to Chair
- 2023 Quantum Spacetime in the Cosmos: From Conception to Reality, Invited talk
- 2019 Buchalter Cosmology First Prize
- 2017 GWPAW 2017, Invited talk
- 2010 Bronze Medal (3rd place) in the Nationwide Physics Olympiad in Iran
- [1] Collin D. Capano, Jahed Abedi, Shilpa Kastha, Alexander H. Nitz, Julian Westerweck, Yi-Fan Wang, Miriam Cabero, Alex B. Nielsen, Badri Krishnan, Estimating false alarm rates of sub-dominant quasi-normal modes in GW190521, Class.Quant.Grav., 41(24) (2024)
- [2] Jahed Abedi, Search for echoes on the edge of quantum black holes, submitted to arXiv:2301.00025 (2024)
- [3] Collin D. Capano, Miriam Cabero, Julian Westerweck, Jahed Abedi, Shilpa Kastha, Alexander H. Nitz, Yi-Fan Wang, Alex B. Nielsen, Badri Krishnan, Multimode Quasinormal Spectrum from a Perturbed Black Hole, Phys. Rev. Lett., 131 (2023)
- [4] Jahed Abedi, Collin D. Capano, Shilpa Kastha, Alexander H. Nitz, Yi-Fan Wang, Julian Westerweck, Alex B. Nielsen, Badri Krishnan, Spectroscopy for asymmetric binary black hole mergers, Phys. Rev. D, 108(10) (2023)
- [5] Yi-Fan Wang, Collin D. Capano, Jahed Abedi, Shilpa Kastha, Badri Krishnan, Alex B. Nielsen, Alexander H. Nitz, Julian Westerweck, A frequency-domain perspective on GW150914 ringdown overtone, arXiv:2310.19645 (2023)
- [6] Jahed Abedi, Luís Felipe Longo Micchi, Niayesh Afshordi, GW190521: Search for echoes due to stimulated Hawking radiation from black holes, Phys. Rev. D, 108 (2023)
- [7] Jahed Abedi, Firewall black holes and echoes from an action principle, Phys.Rev.D, 107 (2023)
- [8] E. Khalouei, H. Ghodsi, S. Rahvar, and J. Abedi, Possibility of primordial black holes as the source of gravitational wave events in the advanced LIGO detector, Phys. Rev. D, 103 (2021)
- [9] Jahed Abedi, Niayesh Afshordi, Naritaka Oshita, Qingwen Wang, Quantum Black Holes in the Sky, Universe, 6 (2020)
- [10] Jahed Abedi, Niayesh Afshordi, Echoes from the Abyss: A Status Update, arXiv:2001.00821 (2020)
- [11] Jahed Abedi, Niayesh Afshordi, Echoes from the Abyss: A highly spinning black hole remnant for the binary neutron star merger GW170817, JCAP, 11 (2019)
- [12] Jahed Abedi, Hannah Dykaar, Niayesh Afshordi, Comment on: "Low significance of evidence for black hole echoes in gravitational wave data", arXiv:1803.08565 (2018)
- [13] Jahed Abedi, Hessamaddin Arfaei, Alek Bedroya, Aida Mehin-Rasuliani, Milad Noorikuhani, Kamran Salehi-Vaziri, Anomaly induced quantum correction to charged black holes; geometry and thermodynamics, arXiv:1707.02545 (2017)
- [14] Jahed Abedi, Hannah Dykaar, Niayesh Afshordi, Echoes from the Abyss: Tentative evidence for Planck-scale structure at black hole horizons, Phys. Rev. D, 96 (2017)
- [15] Jahed Abedi, Hannah Dykaar, Niayesh Afshordi, Echoes from the Abyss: The Holiday Edition!, arXiv:1701.03485 (2017)
- [16] Jahed Abedi, Hessamaddin Arfaei, Obstruction of black hole singularity by quantum field theory effects, JHEP, 03 (2016)
- [17] Jahed Abedi, Hessamaddin Arfaei, Fermionic greybody factors in dilaton black holes, Class.Quant.Grav., 31 (2014)
Research Identifiers:
INSPIRE HEP identifier: J.Abedi.1
Google Scholar identifier: Jahed Abedi
ORCID identifier: 0000-0002-5061-7311
Presentations to Major Conferences:
2023-May Quantum Spacetime in the Cosmos: From Conception to Reality, Canada, Invited talk
2022-Nov LISA data analysis: from classical methods to machine learning, Talk
2022-Jun GRAvitational - wave Science&technology Symposia (GRASS), Talk
2022-May Third EPS (European Physical Society) Conference on Gravitation, Talk
2021-Nov i-COOP Workshop on Black Holes, Cosmology, and Metric-Affine Gravity, Invited talk
2021-Oct COST CA18108 Annual Conference in Corfu (Greece), Talk
2020-Dec 1st online international conference on Early universe and modified gravity, Iran, Invited talk
2019-Oct GWPAW 2019, Talk
2019-Jul GR22/Amaldi13: 22nd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, 13th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, Two talks
2019-Jan Testing Gravity 2019, Poster presentation
2019-Jan Gravitational Waves, Black Holes and Fundamental Physics, Athens, Greece, Talk
2018-Dec GWPAW 2018, Poster presentation
2017-Nov QUANTUM BLACK HOLES IN THE SKY?, Canada, Invited talk
2017-Jun GWPAW 2017, France, Invited talk
2017-May Recent Trends in String Theory and Related Topics, Talk
Memberships of Scientific Societies:
2021- Member of LISA consortium
Teaching Activities:
Fall 2024 Teaching of a full course (BIMSA): Analytical Mechanics
Fall 2022 Teaching of a full course (University of Stavanger): Analytical Mechanics and Field Theory FYS500, 10 Master students, 72 hours teaching
Update Time: 2025-01-21 13:03:06