Brief Introduction Quantum Algorithm
Guilu Long
Friday, October 8, 2021 9:30 AM - 12:15 PM
Tencent 953 7541 0477
Quantum algorithms are instrumental to the applications of quantum computing. Here I will brief introduce the principles of quantum computing, current status of hardware development. Introduction to basic algorithms such as Deutsch algorithm, Grover(Grover—Long) algorithm, Phase estimation algorithm. In particular, the linear combination of unitaries method will be introduced.
Speaker Intro
Gui-Lu Long is a professor in Tsinghua University & Deputy-President of Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences. He is fellow of IoP and APS. Notably among his contributions, he proposed the quantum secure direct communication that transmits information directly; constructed the Grover-Long algorithm for exact search and the full quantum eigensolver; and established the widely used linear combination unitaries method for quantum algorithm designs. He proposed the WISE interpretation of quantum mechanics. He published 300+ papers with 20000+ citations. He was President of AAPPS and vice-chair of C13 of IUPAP.