Zhaohui Wei
Assistant Professor
Affiliation: BIMSA , YMSC
Group: Quantum Symmetry
Email: weizhaohui@bimsa.cn
Research Field: Quantum Computation
Webpage: weizhaohui@gmail.com
- [1] Ruiqi Zhang, Zhaohui Wei, Detecting unfaithful entanglement by multiple fidelities, Quantum Science and Technology, 10, 015061 (2025)
- [2] Hao Tang, Yu Guo, Weixiao Sun, Xiao-Min Hu, Bi-Heng Liu, Zhaohui Wei, Yun-Feng Huang, Yong-Jian Han, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo, Experimental equivalence checking of quantum circuits by nonlocality, Physical Review Letters, 133, 260602 (2024)
- [3] Ruiqi Zhang, Yuguo Shao, Fuchuan Wei, Song Cheng, Zhaohui Wei, Zhengwei Liu, Clifford Perturbation Approximation for Quantum Error Mitigation, arXiv:2412.09518 (2024)
- [4] Weixiao Sun, Fuchuan Wei, Yuguo Shao, Zhaohui Wei, Sudden death of quantum advantage in correlation generations, Science Advances, 10(47), eadr5002 (2024)
- [5] Yuguo Shao, Fuchuan Wei, Zhaohui Wei, Zhengwei Liu, Variational Graphical Quantum Error Correction Codes: adjustable codes from topological insights, arXiv:2410.02608 (2024)
- [6] Lingxia Zhang, Xiaodie Lin, Peidong Wang, Kaiyan Yang, Xiao Zeng, Zhaohui Wei, and Zizhu Wang, Variational Optimization for Quantum Problems using Deep Generative Networks, arXiv:2404.18041(2024)
- [7] Zhenyu Chen, Lijinzhi Lin, Xiaodie Lin, Zhaohui Wei, Penghui Yao, The Generations of Classical Correlations via Quantum Schemes, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 70(2024), 4160-4169
- [8] Xiaodie Lin, Zhenyu Chen, and Zhaohui Wei, Quantifying unknown entanglement by neural networks, Quantum Information Processing, 22(2023), 9, 341
- [9] Yu Guo, Lijinzhi Lin, Huan Cao, Chao Zhang, Xiaodie Lin, Xiao-Min Hu, Bi-Heng Liu, Yun-Feng Huang, Zhaohui Wei, Yong-Jian Han, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo, Experimental entanglement quantification for unknown quantum states in a semi-device-independent manner, Science China Information Sciences, 66(2023), 180506
- [10] Zhenyu Chen, Xiaodie Lin, and Zhaohui Wei, Certifying Unknown Genuine Multipartite Entanglement by Neural Networks, Quantum Science and Technology, 8(2023), 3, 035029
- [11] Lijinzhi Lin, Zhenyu Chen, Xiaodie Lin, Zhaohui Wei, All pure bipartite entangled states can be semi-self-tested with only one measurement setting on each party, arXiv:2306.07755(2023)
- [12] Xiaodie Lin, Zhenyu Chen, and Zhaohui Wei, Quantifying Unknown Quantum Entanglement via a Hybrid Quantum-Classical Machine Learning Framework, Physical Review A, 107(2023), 062409
- [13] Weixiao Sun, Zhaohui Wei, Equivalence checking of quantum circuits by nonlocality, npj Quantum Information, 8(2022), 139
- [14] Lijinzhi Lin, Zhaohui Wei, Quantifying multipartite quantum entanglement in a semi-device-independent manner, Physical Review A, 104(2021), 062433
- [15] Xiaodie Lin, Zhaohui Wei, Penghui Yao, Quantum and Classical Hybrid Generations for Classical Correlations, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 68(2021), 302-310
- [16] Zhaohui Wei, Lijinzhi Lin, Analytic semi-device-independent entanglement quantification for bipartite quantum states, Physical Review A, 103(2021), 032215
- [17] Lijinzhi Lin, Zhaohui Wei, Testing multipartite entanglement with Hardy's nonlocality, Physical Review A, 101(2020), 052118
- [18] Zhaohui Wei, Jamie Sikora, Device-independent dimension test in a multiparty Bell experiment, New Journal of Physics, 21(4), 043021 (2019)
- [19] Anupam Prakash, Jamie Sikora, Antonios Varvitsiotis, Zhaohui Wei, Completely positive semidefinite rank, Mathematical Programming, 171(2018), 397
- [20] Markus Grassl, Linghang Kong, Zhaohui Wei, Zhang-Qi Yin, Bei Zeng, Quantum error-correcting codes for qudit amplitude damping, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 64(2018), 4674
- [21] Zhaohui Wei, Shengyu Zhang, Quantum game players can have advantage without discord, Information and Computation, 256(2017), 174
- [22] Zhaohui Wei, Jamie Sikora, Device-independent characterizations of a shared quantum state independent of any Bell inequalities, Physical Review A, 95(2017), 032103
- [23] Rahul Jain, Zhaohui Wei, Penghui Yao, Shengyu Zhang, Multipartite quantum correlation and communication complexities, Computational Complexity, 26(2017), 199
- [24] Troy Lee, Zhaohui Wei, Ronald de Wolf, Some upper and lower bounds on PSD-rank, Mathematical Programming, 162(2017), 495
- [25] Jamie Sikora, Antonios Varvitsiotis, Zhaohui Wei, Device-independent dimension tests in the prepare-and-measure scenario, Physical Review A, 94(2016), 042125
- [26] Jamie Sikora, Antonios Varvitsiotis, Zhaohui Wei, Minimum dimension of a Hilbert space needed to generate a quantum correlation, Physical Review Letters, 117(2016), 060401
- [27] Zhaohui Wei, Shengyu Zhang, Full characterization of quantum correlated equilibria, Quantum Information and Computation, 13(2013), 846
- [28] Rahul Jain, Yaoyun Shi, Zhaohui Wei, Shengyu Zhang, Efficient protocols for generating bipartite classical distributions and quantum states, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 59(2013), 5171
- [29] Jianxin Chen, Zhengfeng Ji, David Kribs, Zhaohui Wei, Bei Zeng, Ground-state spaces of frustration-free Hamiltonians, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 53, 102201 (2012)
- [30] Jianxin Chen, Zhengfeng Ji, Zhaohui Wei, Bei Zeng, Correlations in excited states of local Hamiltonians, Physical Review A, 85, 040303 (2012)
- [31] Chong Zu, YX Wang, XY Chang, ZH Wei, SY Zhang, LM Duan, Experimental demonstration of quantum gain in a zero-sum game, New Journal of Physics, 14, 033002 (2012)
- [32] Leong Chuan Kwek, Zhaohui Wei, Bei Zeng, Measurement-based quantum computing with valence-bond-solids, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 26, 1230002 (2012)
- [33] Zhengfeng Ji, Zhaohui Wei, Bei Zeng, Complete characterization of the ground-space structure of two-body frustration-free Hamiltonians for qubits, Physical Review A, 84, 042338 (2011)
- [34] Markus Grassl, Zhengfeng Ji, Zhaohui Wei, Bei Zeng, Quantum-capacity-approaching codes for the detected-jump channel, Physical Review A, 82, 062324 (2010)
- [35] Z-H Wei, Y-J Han, CH Oh, L-M Duan, Improving noise threshold for optical quantum computing with the EPR photon source, Physical Review A, 81, 060301 (2010)
- [36] Zhengfeng Ji, Jianxin Chen, Zhaohui Wei, Mingsheng Ying, The LU-LC conjecture is false, Quantum Information and Computation, 10, 97 (2010)
- [37] Chi Zhang, Zhaohui Wei, Anargyros Papageorgiou, Adiabatic quantum counting by geometric phase estimation, Quantum Information Processing, 9, 369 (2009)
- [38] W Huang, Zhaohui Wei, Schmidt measure is not fully additive for pure states, Physical Review A, 78, 024304 (2008)
- [39] Zhaohui Wei, Mingsheng Ying, Quantum adiabatic computation and adiabatic conditions, Physical Review A, 76, 024304 (2007)
- [40] Zhaohui Wei, Zhengfeng Ji, Mingsheng Ying, Majorization in quantum adiabatic algorithms, Physical Review A, 74, 042320 (2006)
Update Time: 2025-01-07 20:08:54