Yingjie Zhang
Assistant ProfessorGroup:
Office: A12-107
Email: zyj.crypto@bimsa.cn
Research Field: Cryptography
- [1] Sun Siwei, Hu Lei, Liu Tianyu, Niu Zhongfeng, Wang Dachao, Zhang Yingjie, Design and cryptanalysis of ARX ciphers, Journal of Cryptologic Research, 11(2024), 1, 101-127
- [2] Lijun Lyu, Yi Tu, and Yingjie Zhang, Deep Learning Assisted Key Recovery Attack for Round-Reduced Simeck32/64, Information Security Conference. (2022)
- [3] Lijun Lyu, Yi Tu, and Yingjie Zhang, Improving the Deep-Learning-Based Differential Distinguisher and Applications to Simeck, International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 465-470 (2022)
- [4] Yingjie Zhang, Lijun Lyu, Kexin Qiao, Zhiyu Zhang, Siwei Sun, Automatic Key Recovery of Feistel Ciphers: Application to SIMON and SIMECK, Information Security Practice and Experience (2021)
- [5] Yingjie Zhang, Lei Hu, Danping Shi, Peng Wang, Siwei Sun, Rong Wei, Improved Fast Correlation Attack on Grain-v1, Journal of Cryptologic Research (2020)
- [6] Qidi You, Xuan Zhou, Shun Li, Yingjie Zhang, Upper Bounds of Differential Branch Number of n-bit Permutations, Journal of Cryptologic Research (2020)
- [7] Dhiman Saha, Yu Sasaki, Danping Shi, Ferdinand Sibleyras, Siwei Sun,Yingjie Zhang, On the Security Margin of TinyJAMBU with Refined Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis, IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology (2020)
- [8] Jiahao Cai, Zihao Wei, Yingjie Zhang, Siwei Sun, Lei Hu, Zero-sum Distinguishers for Round-reduced GIMLI Permutation, International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privac (2019)
- [9] Yingjie Zhang, Siwei Sun, Jiahao Cai, Lei Hu, Speeding up MILP Aided Differential Characteristic Search with Matsui’s Strategy, Information Security. ISC 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11060 (2018)
Update Time: 2024-09-12 17:18:05