Yilong Wang
Assistant ProfessorGroup: Quantum Symmetry
Office: A3-3-309
Email: wyl@bimsa.cn
Research Field: Quantum Algebra, Module Categories, TQFT
Webpage: https://yilongwang11.github.io
Yilong Wang graduated from The Ohio State University in 2018. After working in Louisiana State University as a postdoc researcher, he joined BIMSA as an assistant research fellow in 2021. His research interests include modular tensor categories and topological quantum field theories.
Education Experience
- 2011 - 2018 The Ohio State University Mathematics Doctor (Supervisor: Thomas Kerler)
- 2007 - 2011 Zhejiang University Mathematics Bachelor
Work Experience
- 2021 - BIMSA Assistant Professor
- 2018 - 2021 Louisiana State University Postdoc
- 2011 - 2018 The Ohio State University Teaching Assistant
Honors and Awards
- 2015 Special Graduate Assignments, The Ohio State University 2015-2017
- [1] Ingo Runkel, Yilong Wang, Open-closed nonsemisimple TFTs (2024)
- [2] Chongying Dong, Siu-Hung Ng, Li Ren, Yilong Wang, Minimal modular extension of super-Tannakian categories (2024)
- [3] Dmitri Nikshych, Liang Kong, Yilong Wang, Hao Zheng, Generalized Witt and Morita equivalences (2024)
- [4] Liang Chang, Siu-Hung Ng, Yilong Wang, Gauge invariance of the Kuperberg invariants (2024)
- [5] Siu-Hung Ng, Yilong Wang, Samuel Wilson, On symmetric representations of $SL_2(\mathbb{Z})$, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 151(2023), 4, 1415-1431
- [6] Zhengwei Liu, Shuang Ming, Yilong Wang, Jinsong Wu, TQFT from 3-alterfold invariants, arXiv:2312.06477(2023)
- [7] Zhengwei Liu, Shuang Ming, Yilong Wang, Jinsong Wu, 3-Alterfolds and Quantum Invariants, arXiv:2307.12284 (2023)
- [8] Siu-Hung Ng, Yilong Wang, Qing Zhang, Modular Categories with Transitive Galois Actions, Comm. Math. Phys., 390(2022), 3, 1271-1310
- [9] Eric C. Rowell, Yuze Ruan, Yilong Wang. The Witt classes of so(2r)_2r. Comm. Algebra, 2022.
- [10] Zheyan Wan, Yilong Wang, Classification of spherical fusion categories of Frobenius-Schur exponent 2, ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM, 28(1), 39-50 (2021)
- [11] Siu-Hung Ng, Eric C. Rowell, Yilong Wang, Qing Zhang, Higher central charges and Witt groups, Adv. Math., 404(2022), 108388
- [12] Siu-Hung Ng, Andrew Schopieray, Yilong Wang, Higher Gauss sums of modular categories, Sel. Math. (N. S.), 25(2019), 4
- [13] Yilong Wang, On modular group representations associated to SO(p)2-TQFTs, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 28(2019), 5
- [14] On integrality of SO(n)-Level-2 TQFTs. Thesis. The Ohio State University, 2018.
- [15] Thomas Kerler, Yilong Wang, Random walk invariants from R-matrices, Algebr. Geom. Topol., 16(2016), 1, 569-596
Update Time: 2024-09-12 17:18:03