Xinxing Tang
Assistant Professor
Group: Mathematical Physics
Office: A3-3a-301
Research Field: Mathematical Physics
Xinxing Tang, received a bachelor's degree in basic mathematics from the School of Mathematics, Sichuan University in 2013, and received a doctorate from Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, Peking University in 2018. From 2018 to 2021, she worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University, and joined Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications in 2021 as assistant professor. Research interests include: integrable systems, especially infinite-dimensional integrable systems that appear in GW theory and LG theory, and are interested in understanding the algebraic structure of infinite symmetries and related calculations. Other interests include: mixed Hodge structures, isomonodromic deformation theory, KZ equations.
Research Interest
- Integrable Systems: I am familiar with the integrable system in the 2d topological field theory. I am interested in the 3d and 4d integrable system and their relations with 2d theory. I am also interested in the 2d/4d correspondence. Landau-Ginzburg B-model: I am interested in the tt∗ geometry structure in the LG B-model and BCOV quantization theory of LG B-model. I am working on the relation between the LG B model and integrable hierarchy.
- Mixed Hodge Structure: I am interested in understanding the mirror symmetry and LG-CY correspondence using the mixed Hodge structure. I am studying the mixed Hodge structures on homotopy group and the iterated integrals.
Education Experience
- 2013 - 2018 Peking University Pure Mathematics Doctor (Supervisor: Huijun Fan)
- 2009 - 2013 Sichuan University Pure Mathematics Bachelor
Work Experience
- 2021 - BIMSA Assistant Professor
- 2018 - 2021 Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University Postdoc
Honors and Awards
- 2018 The Honor Mention of PhD Thesis Award in New World Mathematics Award
- [1] X. Tang, S.-T. Yau, Minimal Path and Acyclic Model in the Path Complex, accepted by Commun. Anal. Geom., 33(No. 1) (2025)
- [2] X. Tang, The Riemann-Hilbert Problem, ICCM Notices, 12(No. 1), 64-107 (2024)
- [3] X. Tang, S.-T. Yau, The Cellular Homology of Digraphs, arXiv:2402.05682 (2024)
- [4] X. Tang and J. Yan, Calabi-Yau/Landau-Ginzburg Correspondence for Weil-Peterson Metrics and tt* Structures, arXiv:2205.05791, (), -, (2022)
- [5] X. Tang, The Isomonodromic Tau Function of tt∗ Geometry, Chinese J. Contemp. Math., 42(2) (2021)
- [6] W. He, S. Li, X. Tang, P. Yoo, Dispersionless Integrable Hierarchy via Kodaira-Spencer Gravity., Communications in Mathematical Physics, 379(None), 327-352 (2020)
- [7] X. Tang, tt∗ Geometry, Singularity Torsion and Anomaly Formulas, arXiv: 1710.03915v2, (), -, (2017)
- [8] X. Tang, The Heat Kernel of e−t∆f associated to f = z + 1/z (2016), (), -, (2015)
- [9] Z. Gui, S. Li, X. Tang, Dijkgraaf’s master equation, (), -,
- [10] X. Tang, Lecture notes on mixed Hodge structures, (), -,
- [11] A. Grigoryan, X. Tang and S.-T. Yau, The path homology of the generalized join I, II, (), -,
Update Time: 2025-02-16 22:37:03