William Donovan
Associate ProfessorAffiliation: BIMSA , YMSC
Group: Algebraic Geometry
Email: donovan@bimsa.cn
Research Field: Algebraic Geometry
Will Donovan joined Yau MSC, Tsinghua U in 2018. Since 2021 he is an Associate Professor, and Adjunct Associate Professor at BIMSA. His focus is geometry, in particular applying ideas from physics and noncommutative algebra to study varieties, using tools of homological algebra and category theory. He studied at Cambridge U, completed his PhD at Imperial College London, and was postdoctoral researcher at Edinburgh U, UK. From 2014-18 he was research fellow at Kavli IPMU, U Tokyo, where he is now Visiting Associate Scientist. His work is published in journals including Communications in Mathematical Physics and Duke Mathematical Journal. He is supported by China Thousand Talents Plan, and received a Japan Society for Promotion of Science Young Scientist grant award.
- [1] A. Bodzenta, W. Donovan, Root stacks and periodic decompositions(2023)
- [2] W. Donovan, Relating derived equivalences for simplices of higher-dimensional flops, Adv. Stud. Pure Math., 88(2023), 305-330
- [3] W. Donovan, M. Wemyss, Stringy Kähler moduli, mutation and monodromy, accepted by J. Diff. Geom.(2022)
Update Time: 2024-10-17 10:41:44