Guillaume Tahar
Assistant Professor
Group: Analysis and Geometry
Office: A3-2-205
Research Field: Differential geometry, Moduli Spaces, Dynamical Systems
Guillaume Tahar obtained his Ph.D from Université Paris Diderot, under the supervision of Anton Zorich. He was a senior postdoctoral fellow in Weizmann Institute of Science and joined BIMSA as an assistant professor in 2022. He contributed to the study of moduli spaces of various flavours of geometric structures on surfaces. His results include proving the existence of closed geodesics in dilation surfaces and the complete characterization of configurations of local invariants realized by a differential on a Riemann surface. His recent research interests include linear differential operators, simplicial arrangements of lines and quantum invariants of knots.
Research Interest
- Geometry and dynamics on surfaces
- Moduli spaces of differential forms on Riemann surfaces
Education Experience
- 2013 - 2017 Universite Paris Diderot Mathematics Ph.D (Supervisor: Professor Anton Zorich)
Honors and Awards
- 2021 Senior Fellowship Weizmann Institute of Science (Feinberg Graduate School)
- [1] Dawei Chen, Quentin Gendron, Miguel Prado, Guillaume Tahar, Isoresidual curves (2024)
- [2] Quentin Gendron, Guillaume Tahar, k-differentials with prescribed singularities, accepted by Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse (2024)
- [3] Dmitri Panov, Guillaume Tahar, Simplicial arrangements with few double points (2024)
- [4] Adrien Boulanger, Selim Ghazouani, Guillaume Tahar, Closed geodesics in dilation surfaces, accepted by Geometry & Topology(2024)
- [5] Per Alexandersson, Nils Hemmingsson, Dmitry Novikov, Boris Shapiro, Guillaume Tahar, On boundary points of minimal continuously Hutchinson invariant sets (2024)
- [6] Quentin Gendron, Guillaume Tahar, Quadratic differentials with prescribed singularities, accepted by Canadian Journal of Mathematics(2024)
- [7] Per Alexandersson, Nils Hemmingsson, Dmitry Novikov, Boris Shapiro, Guillaume Tahar, Linear first order differential operators and their Hutchinson invariant sets, Journal of Differential Equations, 391(2024), 265-320
- [8] Gianluca Faraco, Guillaume Tahar, Yongquan Zhang, Isoperiodic foliation of the stratum H(1,1,−2)(2024)
- [9] Ben-Michael Kohli, Guillaume Tahar, A lower bound for the genus of a knot using the Links- Gould invariant(2023)
- [10] Myongjae Lee, Guillaume Tahar, One-dimensional strata of residueless meromorphic differentials(2023)
- [11] Quentin Gendron, Guillaume Tahar, Dihedral monodromy of cone spherical metrics, Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 67(2023), 3, 457-483
- [12] Arnaud Cheritat, Guillaume Tahar, Similarity Surfaces, connections and the measurable Riemann mapping theorem(2023)
- [13] Dmitry Novikov, Boris Shapiro, Guillaume Tahar, On limit sets for geodesics of meromorphic connections, Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 29(2023), 55-70
- [14] Arnaud Cheritat, Guillaume Tahar, Stiff connections in pseudo-Euclidean manifolds(2023)
- [15] Kai Fu, Guillaume Tahar, Bounds on saddle connections for flat spheres(2023)
- [16] Guillaume Tahar, Horizon saddle connections and Morse-Smale dynamics of dilation surfaces, Journal of Modern Dynamics, 19(2023), 417-431
- [17] Guillaume Tahar, Geometric decompositions of surfaces with spherical metric and conical singularities, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 73(2022), 2, 657-678
- [18] Quentin Gendron, Isoresidual fibration and resonance arrangements, Letters in Mathematical Physics, 112(2022), 33, 1-36
- [19] Guillaume Tahar, Horizon saddle connections, quasi-Hopf surfaces and Veech groups of dilation surfaces, Geometriae Dedicata, 212(2021), 1, 1-16
- [20] Boris Shapiro, Guillaume Tahar, On Existence of quasi-Strebel structures for meromorphic k-differentials, L'Enseignement Mathematique, 67(2021), 2, 187-207
- [21] Guillaume Tahar, A Topological Bound on the Cantor– Bendixson Rank of Meromorphic Differentials, Arnold Mathematical Journal, 7(2021), 2, 213-223
- [22] Quentin Gendron, Guillaume Tahar, Abelian differentials with prescribed singularities, Journal de l'Ecole Polytechnique, 8(2021), 1397-1428
- [23] Guillaume Tahar, Veech groups of flat surfaces with poles, Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse, 29(2020), 1, 57-78
- [24] Guillaume Tahar, Chamber structure of modular curves X1(N), Arnold Mathematical Journal, 4(2019), 459-481
- [25] Guillaume Tahar, Geometric triangulations and flips, Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences, 357(2019), 620-623
- [26] Guillaume Tahar, Counting saddle connections in flat surfaces with poles of higher order, Geometriae Dedicata, 196(2018), 145-186
Update Time: 2024-12-24 12:29:19