Shuo Yang
Assistant ProfessorGroup: Computational Mathematics
Office: A3-1a-304
Research Field: Computational Mathematics, Numerical Analysis
Research Interest
- Modeling, analysis and numerical methods for nonlinear problems with applications in materials science
Education Experience
- 2016 - 2021 University of Maryland, College Park Applied Mathematics Ph.D (Supervisor: Ricardo Nochetto)
- 2015 - 2016 Texas A&M University Mathematics Master
- 2011 - 2015 Beihang University Mathematics Bachelor
Work Experience
- 2023 - BIMSA Assistant professor
- 2021 - 2023 BIMSA Postdoc
Honors and Awards
- 2021 Ivo and Renata Babuska Student Award, University of Maryland
- 2021 Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award, University of Maryland
- 2021 Monroe H. Martin Graduate Research Fellowship, University of Maryland
- [1] Guozhi Dong, Zikang Gong, Ziqing Xie and Shuo Yang, BDF schemes for accelerated gradient flows in projection-free approximation of nonconvex constrained variational minimization, arXiv preprint arXiv: 2409.14670 (2024)
- [2] Lucas Bouck, Ricardo H. Nochetto and Shuo Yang, Reduced Membrane Model for Liquid Crystal Polymer Networks: Asymptotics and Computation, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 187, 105607 (2024)
- [3] Guozhi Dong, Hailong Guo and Shuo Yang, Accelerated gradient flows for large bending deformations of nonlinear plates., arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.12152(2024)
- [4] Andrea Bonito, Ricardo H. Nochetto and Shuo Yang, Gamma convergent LDG method for large bending deformations of bilayer plates, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis(2024)
- [5] Bouck, Lucas, Ricardo H. Nochetto, and Shuo Yang, Convergent FEM for a membrane model of liquid crystal polymer networks, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis(2023)
- [6] Bonito, Andrea, Diane Guignard, Ricardo H. Nochetto, and Shuo Yang, Numerical analysis of the LDG method for large deformations of prestrained plates, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 43(2023), no.2, 627-662
- [7] Nochetto, Ricardo H., Michele Ruggeri, and Shuo Yang, Gamma-convergent projection-free finite element methods for nematic liquid crystals: The Ericksen model, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 60(2022), no.2, 856-887
- [8] Bonito, Andrea, Diane Guignard, Ricardo H. Nochetto, and Shuo Yang. "LDG approximation of large deformations of prestrained plates." Journal of Computational Physics 448 (2022): 110719.
- [9] Yang, Shuo, Samuel F. Potter, and Maria K. Cameron. "Computing the quasipotential for nongradient SDEs in 3D." Journal of Computational Physics 379 (2019): 325-350.
- [10] Cameron, Maria, and Shuo Yang. "Computing the quasipotential for highly dissipative and chaotic SDEs an application to stochastic Lorenz'63." Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science 14, no. 2 (2019): 207-246.
Update Time: 2024-09-30 09:04:56