Sébastien Palcoux
Assistant ProfessorGroup: Quantum Symmetry
Office: A3-3a-306
Email: sebastienpalcoux@bimsa.cn
Research Field: Quantum algebra
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/sebastienpalcoux
・ 2010, obtained a doctorate from Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M), ・ 2014-2016, Postdoc in Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), ・ 2019, One-year visitor at Yau Mathematical Sciences Center (YMSC), Tsinghua University, ・ 2020-now, Assistant Professor in BIMSA. Main Research Fields include Quantum Algebra, Quantum Symmetry, Subfactor, Planar Algebra and Fusion Category. Published papers in the journals Advances in Mathematics, Quantum Topology, etc...
Education Experience
- - Aix-Marseille University Mathematics Master Toeplitz index and cyclic cohomology (Supervisor: Michael Puschnigg)
- - Aix-Marseille University Mathematics Master Atiyah-Singer index theorem (Supervisor: Antony Wassermann)
- - 2009 Aix-Marseille University Mathematics Doctor Unitary discrete series, characters, Connes fusion and subfactors for the Neveu-Schwarz algebra (Supervisor: Antony Wassermann)
Work Experience
- 2020 - BIMSA Assistant Professor
- 2019 - 2020 Tsinghua University Visiting Scholar
- 2017 - Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences Visiting Scholar Operator Algebras: Subfactors and their applications
- 2016 - 2016 Hausdorff Institute for Mathematics Visiting Scholar von Neumann algebras Trimester
- 2015 - Indian Statistical Institute Visiting Scholar with P. Das, S. Ghosh and J. Bowmick
- 2014 - 2014 Vanderbilt University Visiting Scholar with D. Bisch and V. Jones
- - Institute of Mathematical Sciences Postdoc Chennai/Madras (India) with V.S. Sunder
Honors and Awards
- 2022 Invited speaker at ICCM 2022
- [1] Sebastian Burciu, Sebastien Palcoux, Structure constants, Isaacs property and Extended-Haagerup fusion categories, accepted by Communications in Algebra (2024)
- [2] Max A. Alekseyev, Winfried Bruns, Sebastien Palcoux, Fedor V. Petrov, Classification of integral modular data up to rank 13 , arXiv:2302.01613 (2024)
- [3] Linzhe Huang , Zhengwei Liu, Sebastien Palcoux, Jinsong Wu, Complete Positivity of Comultiplication and Primary Criteria for Unitary Categorification, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2024(1), 817–860 (2024)
- [4] Sebastian Burciu, Sebastien Palcoux, Burnside type results for fusion categories, arXiv:2302.07604 (2023)
- [5] Zhengwei Liu, Sebastien Palcoux, Yunxiang Ren, Interpolated family of non group-like simple integral fusion rings of Lie type, Internat. J. Math., 34(2023), 6
- [6] Zhengwei Liu, Sebastien Palcoux, Yunxiang Ren, Classification of Grothendieck rings of complex fusion categories of multiplicity one up to rank six , Letters in Mathematical Physics, 112(54) (2022)
- [7] Zhengwei Liu, Sebastien Palcoux, Yunxiang Ren, Triangular prism equations and categorification, arXiv:2303.06522(2022)
- [8] Zhengwei Liu, Sebastien Palcoux, Jinsong Wu, Fusion Bialgebras and Fourier Analysis: Analytic obstructions for unitary categorification, Advances in Mathematics, 390(2021), 107905
- [9] Sebastien Palcoux, Ore's theorem on subfactor planar algebras, Quantum Topology, 11(2020), no.3, 525-543
- [10] Andrea Lucchini, Mariapia Moscatiello, Sebastien Palcoux and Pablo Spiga, Boolean lattices in finite alternating and symmetric groups, Forum Math. Sigma, 8(2020), E55
- [11] Sebastien Palcoux, Pablo Spiga, The Boolean intervals of Chevalley type are strongly non group-complemented, arXiv:1911.06076 (2019)
- [12] Dual Ore's theorem on distributive intervals of finite groups, J. Algebra, 505 (2018), 279-287.
- [13] Ore's theorem for cyclic subfactor planar algebras and beyond, Pacific J. Math. 292-1 (2018), 203-221.
- [14] Euler totient of subfactor planar algebras, Proc. Am. Math. Soc., 146 (2018), no. 11, 4775–4786.
- [15] On Boolean intervals of finite groups (with Mamta Balodi), J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 157 (2018), 49-69.
- [16] Dual Ore's theorem for distributive intervals of small index, arXiv:1610.07253, 15pp
- [17] Ore's theorem for cyclic subfactor planar algebras and application, arXiv:1505.06649, 50pp
- [18] Spectral triples for finitely presented groups, index 1, arXiv:1011.4436, 6pp
- [19] Spectral triples for finitely generated groups, index 0, arXiv:1010.5221, 7pp
- [20] The type III manufactory, arXiv:1011.2827, 9pp
- [21] Neveu-Schwarz and operator algebras III: Subfactors and Connes fusion, arXiv:1010.0076, 54pp
- [22] Neveu-Schwarz and operator algebras II: Unitary series and characters, arXiv:1010.0077, 30pp
- [23] Neveu-Schwarz and operator algebras I: Vertex operator superalgebra, arXiv:1010.0078, 40pp
Update Time: 2024-10-10 16:42:55