Liyan Han
ProfessorGroup: Digital Economy
Office: A3-1-302
Research Field: Asset Pricing, Exchange Rate, Fintech, Green Finance
Dr. Han Liyan, Professor at Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Lab of Digital Economy. He once worked as a chief professor of economics in Beihang University for 20 years. He was awarded as Beijing Renowned Teacher, Distinguished Fellow in Chinese Quantitative Economics, and Special government allowances of the State Council. His doctorate research focused on fuzzy information and knowledge engineering in 1990s, and now his research interests focus on fintech, foreign exchange rate combined with monetary policy, and green finance as well.
Research Interest
- Exchange Rate
- Fintech
- Asset Pricing
- Green Finance
Education Experience
- 1988 - 1991 Beijing Normal University Mathematics Doctor (Supervisor: Peizhuang Wang)
- 1984 - 1986 Beijing Normal University Mathematics Master
- 1978 - 1982 Beijing Normal University Mathematics Bachelor
Work Experience
- 2020 - 2022 Zhuhai Fudan Innovation Institute Chief Scientist of Fintech
- 2000 - 2020 Beihang University Professor
- 1994 - 1995 Vienna University of Economics and Business Postdoc Economics
- 1982 - 2000 Capital University of Economics and Business Professor
Honors and Awards
- 2017 Outstanding Scholar of Quantitative Economics in China
- 2013 Second Prize of Beijing Teaching Achievement Award
- 2012 Beijing Famous Teaching Teacher
- 2012 Independent Director of Xinhua Winshare (A+H shares), Liugong (A shares), Aerospace Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. 2012-2021
- 2012 Member and Consultant of Science and Technology Committee of AVIC Group 2012-now
- 2011 Advanced Individual in Teaching and Educating in Beijing
- 2009 National Challenge Cup Outstanding Instructor (Student Grand Prize)
- 2008 Executive Director of China Soft Science Society 2008-2018
- 2005 The Third Prize of National Defense Science and Technology Progress
- 2003 Executive Director and Academic Committee of Chinese Society of Quantitative Economics 2003-now
- 2003 Director of China Finance Annual Conference 2003-now
- 2002 Director of China Financial System Engineering Professional Committee 2002-now
- 1993 The Youth Subject Leader of Colleges and Universities of Beijing
- 1993 Special Government Allowances of the State Council 1993-now
- 1991 The First Prize of the National Education Commission for Excellent Textbooks in Colleges and Universities
- [1] Jiayu Jin, Liyan Han, Lei Wu, Hongchao Zeng, Exploring the sources of systemic risk and trading strategies in energy and stock markets, Energy Economics, 139 (2024)
- [2] 刘 阳, 韩立岩, 关注尾部风险: 贸易政策不确定性、预期与人民币汇率变动, 管理科学学报, 27(5) (2024)
- [3] 韩立岩, 激活数据要素潜能_赋能新质生产力发展, 国际金融 (2024)
- [4] 陆珏、韩立岩, 科技金融应支持推动原创性颠覆式创新, 改革内参 (2024)
- [5] Tongshuai Qiao, Wenjie Ding, Liyan Han, Donghui Li, RMB exchange rate volatility and the cross-section of Chinese A-share returns , Journal of International Money and Finance, 142 (2024)
- [6] Liyan Han, Yang Xu, Qunzi, Zhang, Xiaoneng Zhu, Oil Strikes Back: Trend Factors and Exchange Rates, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (ABS4) (2024)
- [7] 王哲兵,郗慧妍,韩立岩, 技术寻求型 OFDI 的逆向技术溢出效应及其影响机制, 管理科学, 37(2), 138−154 (2024)
- [8] Fan Feng, Liyan Han , Jiayu Jin and Youwei Li (In alphabatic order), Climate Change Exposure and Bankruptcy Risk, British Journal of Management,(ABS4), 35, 1843–1866 (2024)
- [9] 张 群、朱佳青、韩立岩(通讯), 重大突发事件冲击下产业出口 竞争力的波动研究, 统计研究, 40(5), 90-102 (2023)
- [10] Chaonan Feng, Liyan Han, Samuel Vigne, Yang Xu. Geopolitical risk and the dynamics of international capital flows [J]. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 2023, 82, 101693. SSCI
- [11] Jiayu Jin, Liyan Han, Yang Xu, Does the SDR stabilize investing in commodities?, Int. Rev. Econ. Financ., (), -, (2022)
- [12] Yiye Liu, Liyan Han, You Wu, Libo Yin, Do terrorist attacks matter for currency excess returns?, Financ. Res. Lett., (), -, (2022)
- [13] Han, Li-rong, Xinbei Wei, Sen Yan and Qunzi Zhang, Analyst rating matters for index futures, J Futures Markets, J. Futures Mark., (), -, (2022)
- [14] Dexiang Wu a,* , Huihui Cheng a , Cuicui Luo b , Liyan Han, Does government initiated corporate social responsibility lower the default risk? Evidence from the targeted poverty alleviation campaign in China, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 76(101881) (2022)
- [15] 韩立岩,赵尚梅, 《宏观经济学12讲:中国情景》, 北京大学出版社(2022)
- [16] Wei, Xiaoyun; Li, Jie; Han, Liyan*; Optimal targeted reduction in reserve requirement ratio in China, Economic Modelling, 2020, 85:1-15. SSCI.
- [17] Xiaoyun, Wei; Liyan, Han*; Targeted reduction in reserve requirement ratio and optimal monetary policy in China, International Review of Economics & Finance, 2020, 69:209-230. SSCI.
- [18] Jin, Jiayu; Han, Liyan; Wu, Lei; Zeng, Hongchao; The hedging effectiveness of global sectors in emerging and developed stock markets, International Review of Economics & Finance, 2020, 66:92-117. SSCI.
- [19] 冯超楠; 韩立岩*; 任若恩; 短期跨境资本流动因何而来?, 数量经济技术经济研究, 2020,(9):119-139. CSSCI.
- [20] 韩立岩、吴优、赵庆明等. 新版人民币指数[R],中国金融期货交易所研究报告,2019.
- [21] Liyan Han, Xue Jiang, Libo Yin. The predictive performance of the currency futures basis for spot returns[J]. Quantitative Finance, 2019, 19(3): 391-405, SSCI.
- [22] Han, L., Xu, Y., Yin, L. Does investor attention matter? The attention-return relationships in FX [J]. Economic Modelling, 2018, 68: 644-660, SSCI.
- [23] Liyan Han, Yang Xu, Libo Yin. Forecasting the CNY-CNH pricing differential: The role of investor attention [J]. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2018, 49: 232-247, SSCI.
- [24] Han, L., Lv, Q., Yin, L. Can investor attention predict oil prices? [J]. Energy Economics, 2017, 66: 547-558, SSCI.
- [25] Han, L., Li, Z., Yin, L. The effects of investor attention on commodity futures markets [J]. Journal of Futures Markets, 2017,37: 1031-1049, SSCI.
- [26] Ding, D., Han, L., Yin, L. Systemic risk and dynamics of contagion: a duplex inter-bank network [J]. Quantitative Finance, online, 2017, 17(9): 1435-1445, SSCI.
- [27] 一带一路背景下的能源安全与信息安全[R],钓鱼台智库论坛. 2017.
- [28] 韩立岩、蔡立新、尹力博. 中国证券市场的绿色激励: 一个四因素模型[J]. 《金融研究》,2017,1: 145-161. (封面文章,2017年度优秀论文)
- [29] 顾雪松、韩立岩*、周伊敏. 产业结构差异与对外直接投资的出口效应—东道国视角的理论与实证[J],经济研究,2016年第4期:102-115.
- [30] Xinkuo Xu, Liyan Han*, Xiaofeng Lv. Household carbon inequality in urban China, its sources and determinants[J]. Ecological Economics 128 (2016) 77–86
- [31] 韩立岩、喻雪莹、顾雪松等. 中美间技术转移的模式演化及对中国创新活动的影响研究[R], 科技部研究报告(中美高层对话专项). 2016.
- [32] 韩立岩,部慧,金融资产风险与定价[M],机械工业出版社,华章经管,2015-12.
- [33] Han Liyan, Zheng Qingqing, Li Lei, Yin Libo. Do Foreign Institutional Investors Stabilize the Capital Market?[J]. Economics Letters, 2015,136:73-75. (SSCI).
- [34] 尹力博,韩立岩*. 大宗商品战略配置——基于国民效用和风险对冲的视角[J],管理世界,2014,(7):39-51.
- [35] 李蕾,韩立岩(*),价值投资还是价值创造?——基于境内外机构投资者比较的 经验研究,经济学(季刊),2014,(01):351-372.
- [36] Han, Liyan, Rong Liang, *Ke Tang. Cross-market Soybean Futures Price Discovery: Does the Dalian Commodity Exchange Affect the Chicago Board of Trade?[J]. Quantitative Finance, 2013, 13(2), (SSCI).
- [37] Libo Yin*,Liyan Han.Options strategies for international portfolios with overall risk management via multi-stage stochastic programming [J].Annals of Operations Research,2013, 206: 557-576.(SCI))
- [38] William L. Megginson, Miao You, Liyan HAN. Determinants of Sovereign Wealth Fund Cross-Border Investments [J]. The Financial Review (Statesboro), 2013, (48): 539-572. Annual Best Paper Award.
- [39] 谢飞,韩立岩*. 投机还是实需:国际商品期货价格的影响因素分析[J]. 管理世界,2012(10):71-82.
- [40] 韩立岩*,杜春越. 收入差距、借贷水平与居民消费的地区及城乡差异[J]. 经济研究, 2012,S1.
- [41] 林忠国, 韩立岩, 李伟. 股价波动非同步性——信息还是噪音?[J]. 管理科学学报, 2012(06): 68-81.
- [42] 王哲兵,韩立岩*. 民主还是集权——创业者治理结构的选择[J]. 经济学(季刊), 2013, 第12卷第2期: 475-492.
- [43] 韩立岩*、尹力博. 投机还是实需?国际大宗商品价格影响因素的广义视角分析[J],经济研究,2012年第12期:83-96.
- [44] 尹力博、韩立岩,人民币外汇期权套保价值与策略:基于随机规划的视角[J],管理科学学报,2012年第11期:31-44.
- [45] 韩立岩*,尤苗. 主权财富基金的战略价值---基于风险对冲与国民效用的视角[J]. 经济研究(封面文章), 2012, (6): 88-100
- [46] 杨华蔚, 韩立岩. 外部风险、异质信念与特质波动率风险溢价[J]. 管理科学学报, 2011(3):71-80.
- [47] 韩立岩*, 杜春越. 城市家庭消费金融效应的地区差异研究[J]. 经济研究(封面文章), 2011,S1:30-42.
- [48] 谢飞,韩立岩*. 对冲基金与国际资产价格的波动性传递[J]. 管理科学学报, 2010, 13(11): 94-103.
- [49] 韩立岩*, 崔旻抒. 人民币指数美式期货期权定价研究[J]. 管理科学学报, 2010, 13(3): 50-63.
- [50] Yanran Wu, Liyan Han, Investor Sentiment and Asset Pricing[M], VDM Berlin,2009
- [51] 郭璐, 韩立岩, 李东辉. 交叉上市的信息传递及整合性: 股改前后的变化[J]. 管理世界, 2009, (1): 29-37.
- [52] 韩立岩、王允贵等. 人民币外汇衍生品市场:策略与路径[M], 科学出版社,2009.
- [53] 韩立岩、孙海峰、李东辉:投资偏向分析:基于全球银行股票投资的实证研究[J],《金融研究》2008-10.
- [54] 闵丹, 韩立岩. 市场结构, 行业周期与资本结构——基于战略公司财务理论的分析[J]. 管理世界, 2008, (2): 82-89.
- [55] 李燕平、韩立岩:特许权价值、隐性保险与风险承担-中国银行业的经验分析[J],《金融研究》2008-1.
- [56] 韩立岩, 伍燕然. 投资者情绪与IPOs之谜——抑价或者溢价?[J]. 管理世界, 2007, (3): 51-61.
- [57] 伍燕然、韩立岩:不完全理性、投资者情绪与封闭式基金之谜,《经济研究》,2007-3:117-129.
- [58] 韩立岩、王晓萌:《中国上市公司并购的市场评价》[M],中国财政经济出版社,2006-12.
- [59] 牟晖, 韩立岩, 谢朵, 陈之安. 中国资本市场融资顺序新证: 可转债发行公告效应研究[J]. 管理世界, 2006, (4): 19-27.
- [60] 董锋,韩立岩. 中国股市透明度提高对市场质量影响的实证分析[J], 经济研究, 2006, 5: 87-96.
- [61] 韩立岩、王哲兵. 中国实体经济资本配置效率研究[J], 《经济研究》,2005年第1期:77-84.
- [62] Han Liyan, Zheng Chengli. Fuzzy options with application to default risk analysis for municipal bonds in China[J]. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods & Applications, 2005, 63 (5-7): 2353-2365. (SSCI).
- [63] 韩立岩, 牟晖, 王哲兵. 市政债券的风险识别与控制策略[J]. 管理世界, 2005, (3): 58-66.
- [64] 韩立岩, 熊菲, 蔡红艳. 基于股市行业市盈率的资本配置评价研究[J]. 管理世界, 2003, (1): 43-50.
- [65] 韩立岩, 蔡红艳. 我国资本配置效率及其与金融市场关系评价研究[J]. 管理世界, 2002, (1): 65-70.
- [66] 韩立岩、汪培庄.《应用模糊数学》(修订版)[M],首都经济贸易大学出版社,1998.
Update Time: 2024-12-13 15:13:09