Luis Apolo
Assistant ProfessorGroup: Quantum Fields and Strings
Research Field: Mathematical Physics
Research Interest
- Quantum gravity, string theory, holography
Education Experience
- 2009 - 2014 New York University Theoretical Physics Doctor Thesis: “Variations on holography from modifications of gravity in anti-de Sitter” (Supervisor: Massimo Porrati)
- 2005 - 2009 City College of New York Physics and Mathematics Bachelor
Work Experience
- 2023 - BIMSA Assistant Professor
- 2021 - 2023 University of Amsterdam Postdoc
- 2020 - 2021 BIMSA Assistant Professor
- 2017 - 2020 Tsinghua University Postdoc
- 2014 - 2017 Stockholm University Postdoc
- 2011 - 2014 New York University Graduate Research Assistant
- [1] L. Apolo, S. Bintanja, A. Castro, D. Liska, The light we can see: Extracting black holes from weak Jacobi forms, JHEP, 10 (2024)
- [2] L. Apolo, A. Belin, S. Bintanja, Searching for strongly coupled AdS matter with multi-trace deformations, arXiv:2401.15141 (2024)
- [3] L. Apolo, P. Hao, W. Lai, W. Song,, Extremal surfaces in glue-on AdS/TTbar holography, JHEP, 01 (2024)
- [4] L. Apolo, A. Belin, S. Bintanja, A. Castro, C. A. Keller, CFTs dual to quantum gravity with strongly coupled matter, Phys. Rev. D, 108 (2023)
- [5] L. Apolo, P. Hao, W. Lai, W. Song, Glue-on AdS holography for TTbar-deformed CFTs, JHEP, 06 (2023)
- [6] L. Apolo, W.Song, B. Yu, On the universal behavior of TTbar-deformed CFTs: single and double-trace partition functions at large c, JHEP, 05 (2023)
- [7] L. Apolo, W. Song, TsT, black holes, and TT + JT + TJ, JHEP, 04 (2022)
- [8] L. Apolo, A. Belin, S. Bintanja, A. Castro, C. A. Keller, Deforming Symmetric Product Orbifolds: A tale of moduli and higher spin currents, JHEP, 08 (2022)
- [9] L. Apolo, H. Jiang, W. Song , Y. Zhong, Swing surfaces and holographic entanglement beyond AdS/CFT, JHEP, 12 (2020)
- [10] L. Apolo, H. Jiang, W. Song and Y. Zhong, Modular Hamiltonians in flat holography and (W)AdS/WCFT, JHEP 09 (2020) 033 [2006.10741]
- [11] L. Apolo, S. Detournay and W. Song, TsT, T . T and black strings, JHEP 06 (2020) 109 [1911.12359]
- [12] L. Apolo and W. Song, Heating up holography for single-trace J . T deformations, JHEP 01 (2020) 141 [1907.03745]
- [13] L. Apolo, S. He, W. Song, J. Xu and J. Zheng, Entanglement and chaos in warped conformal field theories, JHEP 04 (2019) 009 [1812.10456]
- [14] L. Apolo and W. Song, Strings on warped AdS3 via TJ¯ deformations, JHEP 10 (2018) 165 [1806.10127]
- [15] L. Apolo and W. Song, Bootstrapping holographic warped CFTs or: how I learned to stop worrying and tolerate negative norms, JHEP 07 (2018) 112 [1804.10525]
- [16] L. Apolo, Bounds on CFTs with W3 algebras and AdS3 higher spin theories, Phys. Rev. D96(2017) 086003 [1705.10402]
- [17] L. Apolo and S. F. Hassan, Non-linear partially massless symmetry in an SO(1,5) continuation of conformal gravity, Class. Quant. Grav. 34 (2017) 105005 [1609.09514]
- [18] L. Apolo, S. F. Hassan and A. Lundkvist, Gauge and global symmetries of the candidate partially massless bimetric gravity, Phys. Rev. D94 (2016) 124055 [1609.09515]
- [19] L. Apolo, The covariant action of higher spin black holes in three dimensions, JHEP 05 (2016) 097 [1511.01406]
- [20] L. Apolo and B. Sundborg, The Sky is the Limit: Free Boundary Conditions in AdS3 Chern-Simons Theory, in International Workshop on Higher Spin Gauge Theories Singapore, Singapore, November 4-6, 2015, 2016, 1603.03213
- [21] L. Apolo and B. Sundborg, Strings from 3D gravity: asymptotic dynamics of AdS3 gravity with free boundary conditions, JHEP 06 (2015) 171 [1504.07579]
- [22] L. Apolo and M. Porrati, Free boundary conditions and the AdS3/CFT2 correspondence, JHEP 1403 (2014) 116 [1401.1197]
- [23] G. Claussen, L. Apolo, O. Melchert and A. K. Hartmann, Analysis of the loop length distribution for the negative weight percolation problem in dimensions d=2 through 6, Phys. Rev. E86 (2012) 056708 [1207.2893]
- [24] L. Apolo and M. Porrati, Nonlinear Dynamics of Parity-Even Tricritical Gravity in Three and Four Dimensions, JHEP 08 (2012) 051 [1206.5231]
- [25] L. Apolo and M. Porrati, On AdS/CFT without Massless Gravitons, Phys. Lett. B714 (2012) 309 [1205.4956]
- [26] O. Melchert, L. Apolo and A. K. Hartmann, Upper critical dimension of the negative-weight percolation problem, Phys. Rev. E81 (2010) 051108 [1003.1591]
- [27] L. Apolo, O. Melchert and A. K. Hartmann, Phase transitions in diluted negative-weight percolation models, Phys. Rev. E79 (2009) 031103 [0812.2230]
Update Time: 2024-12-02 15:42:49