Yi Liu
Group: Quantum Symmetry
Office: A3-2-202
Email: liuyi@bimsa.cn
Research Field: Quantum Symmetry
Webpage: https://www.bimsa.cn/detail/liuyi.html
Research Interest
- Computational Conformal Geometry
- Earth System Model & Data Assimilation
Education Experience
- 2016 - 2022 IGSNRR,CAS 理学博士
Work Experience
- 2018 - 2018 波茨坦气候影响研究所 visiting
- 2016 - 2016 慕尼黑工业大学 visiting
- 2015 - 2016 LREIS,CAS RA
- 2013 - 2015 MSC,Tsinghua visiting
- [1] liuyi, Cartography and Computational Geometry Seminar (2025)
- [2] Guo Jiachun, Liu Yi, Shen Wenbin, et al., Concept Analysis of Map Projection and Its Applications Based on Manifold Mapping Principle(in Chinese) , Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University (2024)
- [3] liuyi, 适用于新型高性能计算的空间数据组织方法研究, 2024年生态环境模型学术研讨会.天津.南开大学 (2024)
- [4] liuyi, 地学计算中量超融合的关键技术研究, 中国地理学年会S8分会场: 地学智能计算 (2024)
- [5] liuyi, 基于量超融合的地理计算关键技术研究, 第三届中国数字地球大会 (2024)
- [6] liuyi et al., Simulating the temperature and precipitation of Poyang Lake in Jiangxi based on the QS, submitted to prepare (2024)
- [7] liuyi et al., Conformal map projection classification based on elliptic curves(in Chinese), prepare(2024)
- [8] Zhe Xu,Yi Liu,YM Jiao et al., Digital soil mapping based on Machine Learning, submitted to EJA(2024)
- [9] liu et al., Hypercomplex Signal, IEEE Hypercomplex Signal and Image Processing (2024)
- [10] Yi Liu, high-performance clusters geographic computing, The Second International Conference on W.K. Clifford's Geometric Algebra and Geographical Information Science : Development and Applications (2023)
- [11] Tianxiang Yue,Chencheng Wu,Yi Liu,et al., HASM quantum machine learning, Science China Earth Sciences (2023)
- [12] Saibo Li, Shaoyang He, Tianxiang Yue, Zhengping Du, Na Zhao, Yapeng Zhao, Yimeng Jiao, Bin Fan, Yi Liu, Zhe Xu, and Yang Yang, Mapping bamboo forest and expansion intensity in China by coupling vegetation phenology and C-band SAR with Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (2023)
- [13] Saibo Li, Shaoyang He, Zhe Xu, Yi Liu, and Werner von Bloh, Desertification process and its effects on vegetation carbon sources and sinks vary under different drought stress in Central Asia during 1990-2020, CATENA, 211(2023), 106767
- [14] liuyi et al., QC Hybrid Algorithm, prepare(2023)
- [15] Yi Liu,C Wang,Z Yu, BIMSA-LREIS-VGE Seminar on GIS and ESM, Seminar (2023)
- [16] Tianxiang Yue, Yi Liu, Zhengping Du, John Wilson, Dongyi Zhao, Yu Wang, Na Zhao, Wenjiao Shi, Zemeng Fan, Xiaomin Zhao, Qin Zhang, Hongsheng Huang, Qingyuan Wu, Wei Zhou, Yimeng Jiao, Zhe Xu, Saibo Li, Yang Yang, and Bojie Fu, Quantum machine learning of eco-environmental surfaces, Science Bulletin, 67(2022), 1031-1033
- [17] Yue T , Zhao Na , Liu Yu ,et al., A fundamental theorem for eco-environmental surface modelling and its applications, Science China Earth Sciences, 63(8), 1092–1112 (2020)
- [18] 赵苗苗,刘熠,杨吉林,等, Spatio-temporal Patterns of NPP and Its Relations to Climate in China Based on HASM, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 28(2), 215-225 (2019)
- [19] 赵苗苗,赵娜,刘羽,刘熠,等, An overview of forest carbon measurement methods, Acta Ecologica Sinica, 39(11), 3797-3807 (2019)
- [20] Na Zhao, Tianxiang Yue, Han Li, Lili Zhang, Xiaozhe Yin, Yi Liu, Spatio-temporal changes in precipitation over Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China, Atmospheric Research, 202(None), 156-168 (2018)
- [21] Liu, Yu , Yue, T. , Zhang, L. , Zhao, N. , Zhao, M. , & Liu, Yi. , Simulation and analysis of XCO2 in North China based on high accuracy surface modeling, ESPR (2018)
Update Time: 2025-02-14 15:07:09