Fan Yang
Associate Professor
Affiliation: BIMSA , YMSC
Group: Statistics, Probability and Data Science
Research Field: Probability and Statistics
Fan Yang is an Associate Professor of YMSC at Tsinghua University and BIMSA. Prior to joining YMSC and BIMSA, he was a postdoctoral researcher with the Department of Statistics and Data Science at the University of Pennsylvania from 2019 to 2022. He received the Ph.D. degree in mathematics from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2019, the Ph.D. degree in physics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2014, and the Bachelor degree from Tsinghua University in 2009. His research interests include probability and statistics, with a focus on random matrix theory and its applications to mathematical physics, high-dimensional statistics, and machine learning. He has published multiple papers in leading journals in mathematics and statistics, including Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Communications in Mathematical Physics, Annals of Probability, Probability Theory and Related Fields, and Annals of Statistics.
Education Experience
- 2017 - 2019 University of California, Los Angeles Doctor
- 2014 - 2017 University of Wisconsin-Madison Master
- 2010 - 2014 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Physics Doctor
- 2005 - 2009 Tsinghua University Bachelor
Work Experience
- 2022 - BIMSA Associate Professor
- 2022 - Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University Associate Professor
- 2019 - 2022 University of Pennsylvania Postdoc
- [1] Jiaoyang Huang, Fan Yang, Lingfu Zhang, Pearcey universality at cusps of polygonal lozenge tiling(2023)
- [2] Changji Xu, Fan Yang, Horng-Tzer Yau, Jun Yin, Bulk universality and quantum unique ergodicity for random band matrices in high dimensions(2022)
- [3] Bulk universality and quantum unique ergodicity for random band matrices in high dimensions
- [4] Fan Yang, Linear spectral statistics of eigenvectors of anisotropic sample covariance matrices, accepted by Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probabilités et Statistiques(2020)
Update Time: 2024-10-12 15:12:28