Fan Yang
ProfessorAffiliation: BIMSA , YMSC
Group: Statistics, Probability and Data Science
Office: A3-3-210
Research Field: Statistical Methodology
Dr. Fan Yang(F) is a Professor at Yau Mathematical Sciences Center. She obtained her Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science from the University of Pennsylvania in 2014. Dr. Yang’s research interests center around the development of statistical methodologies for causal inference problems inspired by scientific applications, ranging from public health to genomics and educational research. As a first or corresponding author, she has published multiple papers in leading journals in statistics and genetics, including Annals of Applied Statistics, Bioinformatics, Biometrics, Genetic Epidemiology, Genome Biology, Genome Research, and Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B. During her PhD study, she received the American Statistical Association (ASA) Section on Statistics in Epidemiology Young Investigators Award in 2013 and ASA Section on Health Policy Statistics Student Paper Competition Award in 2014. She is currently serving as an Associate Editor for Biometrics, one of the leading methodological journals in the biostatistics profession.
Education Experience
- 2009 - 2014 University of Pennsylvania Doctor
- 2005 - 2009 Zhejiang University Bachelor
Work Experience
- 2022 - BIMSA Professor
- 2022 - Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University Professor
- 2021 - 2022 University of Colorado Associate Professor
- 2017 - 2021 University of Colorado Assistant Professor
- 2014 - 2017 The University of Chicago Assistant Professor
Honors and Awards
- 2014 ASA Section on Health Policy Statistics Student Paper Competition Award
- 2013 American Statistical Association (ASA) Section on Statistics in Epidemiology Young Investigators Award
- [1] Zuo, S., Ghosh, D., Ding, P., Yang, F, Mediation analysis with the mediator and outcome missing not at random, Revision at Journal of the American Statistical Association(2023)
- [2] Gao, D., Hu, J., Bradley, C. J., Yang, F, Instrumental variable analysis for cost outcome: Application to the effect of primary care visit on medical cost among low-income adults., (2023)
- [3] Yang, F., Chen, L. S., Oveisgharan, S., Barbar, D., and Bennett, D. A., `Integrating Mendelian randomization with causal mediation anlaysis for characterizing direct and indirect exposure-to-outcome effects.(2023)
- [4] Yang, F., Wang, J., the GTEx Consortium, Pierce, B. L, and Chen, L. S. (2017). ``Identifying cis-mediators for trans-eQTLs across many human tissues using genomic mediation analysis." Genome Research, Volume 27, pp. 1859-1871.
- [5] Yang, F. and Small, D. S. (2016). ``Using post-outcome measurement information in censoring-by-death problems." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, Volume 78, Number 1, pp. 299-318.
- [6] Yang, F., Lorch, S. A., and Small, D. S. (2014). ``Estimation of causal effects using instrumental variables with nonignorable missing covariates: Application to effect of type of delivery hospital on premature infants.'' Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 8, Number 1, pp. 48-73.
- [7] Yang, F., Zubizarreta, J., Small, D. S., Lorch, S. A., and Rosenbaum, P. (2014). ``Dissonant conclusions when testing the validity of an instrumental variable." The American Statistician, Volume 68, Issue 4, pp. 253-263.
Update Time: 2024-08-13 19:36:01