Shuliang Bai
Assistant Professor
Group: Statistics, Probability and Data Science
Research Field: Graph Theory
Education Experience
- - University of South Carolina Mathematics Ph.D
- [1] Xin Lai, Shuliang Bai, and Yong Lin, Normalized discrete Ricci flow used in community detection, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 597(2022), 127251
- [2] Shuliang Bai and An Huang and Linyuan Lu and Shing-Tung Yau, On the Sum of Ricci-curvatures of weighted graphs, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly (2022)
- [3] Heidi Lei and Shuliang Bai, 5-regular Ricci-flat graphs, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly (2022)
- [4] Shuliang Bai and Linyuan Lu, Turan density of 2-edge-colored bipartite graphs with application on {2, 3}-hypergraphs., Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (2021)
- [5] Shuliang Bai and Linyuan Lu and SHing-Tung Yau, Ricci-flat graphs with maximum degree at most 4, The Asian Journal of Mathematics (2021)
- [6] Lele Liu, Liying Kang and Shuliang Bai, Bounds on the spectral radius of uniform hypergraphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics (2019)
- [7] Shuliang Bai and Linyuan Lu, On the Turan density of {1, 3}-hypergraphs, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (2019)
- [8] Shuliang Bai and Linyuan Lu, A bound on the spectral radius of hypergraphs with e edges., Linear Algebra and Its Application (2018)
- [9] Shuliang Bai and Linyuan Lu, On the spectral radius of {0,1}-tensors with prescribed number of ones, Linear Algebra and Its Application (2018)
- [10] Shuliang Bai, Yong Lin, Linyuan Lu, Zhiyu Wang, and Shing-Tung Yau, OLLIVIER RICCI-FLOW ON WEIGHTED GRAPHS, American Journal of Mathematics, 146
Update Time: 2024-09-30 08:24:30