Yuuji Tanaka
Assistant Professor
Group: Algebraic Geometry
Office: A15-103
Email: ytanaka@bimsa.cn
Research Field: Algebraic Geometry, Gauge theory
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/yuuji-tanaka/
Honors and Awards
- 2024 The JAG Best Paper Award (with Richard P. Thomas)
- 2021 JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 21K03246 (3,770,000 JPY)
- 2016 JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 16K05125 (3,900,000 JPY)
- 2010 Marie-Curie International Incoming Fellowship, the European Commission (164,269.69 EUR)
- [1] T. Ito, A. Kanemitsu, T. Takamatsu, Y. Tanaka, Arithmetic finiteness of Mukai varieties of genus 7, arXiv:2409.20046, 42pp (2024)
- [2] M. Galdeano, D. Platt, Y. Tanaka, L. Wang, Spin(7)-instantons on Joyce's first examples of compact Spin(7)-manifolds, arXiv:2310.03451, 70pp (2023)
- [3] J. Gross, D. Joyce, Y. Tanaka, Universal structures in ℂ-linear enumerative invariant theories, SIGMA, 18, 61pp. Special Issue on Enumerative and Gauge-Theoretic Invariants in honor of Lothar Göttsche on the occasion of his 60th birthday. (2022)
- [4] N. Kuhn, O. Leigh, Y. Tanaka, The blow-up formula for the instanton part of the Vafa-Witten invariants on projective surfaces, arXiv:2205.12953, 20pp (2022)
- [5] C.-C. Liu, S. Rayan, Y. Tanaka, The Kapustin-Witten equations and nonabelian Hodge theory, Eur. J. Math., 8, 23-41. (2022)
- [6] N. Kuhn, Y. Tanaka, A blowup formula for virtual enumerative invariants on projective surfaces, arXiv:2107.08155, 117pp (2021)
- [7] Y. Tanaka, R. P. Thomas, Vafa-Witten invariants for projective surfaces I: stable case, J. Algebraic Geom. , 29, 603-668. (2020)
- [8] D. Joyce, Y. Tanaka, M. Upmeier, On orientations for gauge-theoretic moduli spaces, Adv. Math. , 362, 106957 (2020)
- [9] Y. Tanaka, A perturbation and generic smoothness of the Vafa-Witten moduli spaces on closed symplectic four-manifolds, Glasg. Math. J. , 61, 471-486. (2019)
- [10] Y. Tanaka, On the singular sets of solutions to the Kapustin-Witten equations and the Vafa-Witten ones on compact Kahler surfaces, Geom. Dedicata, 177-187. (2019)
- [11] Y. Tanaka, R. P. Thomas, Vafa-Witten invariants for projective surfaces II: semistable case, Pure Appl. Math. Q. , 13, 517-562. Special Issue in Honor of Simon Donaldson. (2018)
- [12] Y. Tanaka, Some boundedness properties of solutions to the Vafa-Witten equations on closed 4-manifolds, Q. J. Math. , 68, 1203-1225. (2017)
- [13] Y. Tanaka, On the moduli space of the Donaldson-Thomas instanton, Extracta Math., 31, 89-107. (2016)
- [14] Y. Tanaka, Stable sheaves with twisted sections and the Vafa-Witten equations on smooth projective surfaces, Manuscripta Math. , 146, 351-363. (2015)
- [15] Y. Tanaka, A removal singularity theorem of the Donaldson-Thomas instantons on compact Kahler threefolds, J. Math. Anal. and Appl., 411, 422-428. (2014)
- [16] Y. Tanaka, A weak compactness theorem of the Donaldson-Thomas instantons on compact Kahler threefolds, J. Math. Anal. and Appl., 408, 27-34. (2013)
- [17] Y. Tanaka, A construction of Spin(7)-instantons, Ann. Global Anal. Geom., 42, 495-521. (2012)
Update Time: 2025-02-14 11:26:47