Yiyu Lin
Group: Mathematical Physics
Office: A3-2-202
Email: yiyu@bimsa.cn
Research Field: holographic gravity and quantum entanglement
Webpage: https://inspirehep.net/authors/1828433
Research Interest
- Quantum gravity, Holographic dualities, Application of Quantum information theory and Condensed matter theory to Emergent gravity
Education Experience
- 2017 - 2022 Sun Yat-Sen University Theoretical Physics Doctor (Supervisor: Jia-Rui Sun)
- 2013 - 2017 Sun Yat-Sen University Physics Bachelor
Honors and Awards
- 2021 National scholarship for doctoral students in 2021
- [1] Yi-Yu Lin, Jun Zhang, Holographic coarse-grained states and the necessity of perfect entanglement, PHYSICAL REVIEW D(2024)
- [2] Yi-Yu Lin, Jun Zhang, Jie-Chen Jin, Entanglement islands read perfect-tensor entanglement, Journal of High Energy Physics(2024)
- [3] Yi-Yu Lin, Distilled density matrices of holographic partial entanglement entropy from thread-state correspondence, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 108(2023), 106010
- [4] Yi-Yu Lin, Jie-Chen Jin, Thread/State correspondence: from bit threads to qubit threads, JHEP(2023), 245
- [5] Yi-Yu Lin, Jia-Rui Sun, Yuan Sun, Jie-Chen Jin, The PEE aspects of entanglement islands from bit threads, JHEP07(2022)009
- [6] Yi-Yu Lin, Jie-Chen Jin, Thread/State correspondence: the qubit threads model of holographic gravity, 2208.08963[hep-th]
- [7] Yi-Yu Lin, Jia-Rui Sun, Jun Zhang, Deriving the PEE proposal from the locking bit thread configuration, JHEP10(2021)164
- [8] Yi-Yu Lin, Jia-Rui Sun, Yuan Sun, Bit thread, entanglement distillation, and entanglement of purification, Phys.Rev.D103(2021)12,126002
- [9] Yi-Yu Lin, Jia-Rui Sun, Yuan Sun, Surface growth scheme for bulk reconstruction and tensor network, JHEP12(2020)083
Update Time: 2024-09-12 17:18:09