助理研究员团队: 数论和表示论
办公室: A3-1a-303
邮箱: ysmoon@bimsa.cn
研究方向: 数论、代数几何
Yong Suk Moon于2022年秋作为助理研究员入职BIMSA。他的研究方向包括数论和算术几何。具体而言,他现在的研究集中在p-进霍奇理论,Fontaine-Mazur猜想和p-进Langlands纲领。他于2016年在哈佛大学取得博士学位,之后在普度大学作为访问助理教授工作3年,2019-2022年在美国亚利桑那大学做博士后。
- Number theory and Arithmetic geometry
- 2009 - 2016 哈佛大学 数学 博士 (Supervisor: Mark Kisin)
- 2008 - 2009 斯坦福大学 统计学 硕士
- 2004 - 2008 斯坦福大学 数学物理 学士
- 2022 - 北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院 研究员
- 2019 - 2022 亚利桑那大学 博士后研究员
- 2016 - 2019 普渡大学 访问助理教授
- 2020 AMS-Simons Travel Grant
- 2009 Samsung Scholarship for Graduate Studies
- 2008 The J.E.Wallace Sterling Award for Scholastic Achievement, Stanford University
- 2008 Research Award, Dept. of Mathematics, Stanford University
- 2004 Samsung Scholarship for Undergraduate Studies
- 2003 第34届国际奥林匹克物理竞赛银牌
- [1] Yong Suk Moon, A note on purity of crystalline local systems, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 152, 5095–5103 (2024)
- [2] Heng Du, Tong Liu, Yong Suk Moon, Koji Shimizu, Log prismatic F-crystals and purity(2024)
- [3] Heng Du, Tong Liu, Yong Suk Moon, Koji Shimizu, Completed prismatic F-crystals and crystalline Zp-local systems, Compositio Mathematica, 160(2024), 5, 1101-1166
- [4] Yong Suk Moon, Strongly divisible lattices and crystalline cohomology in the imperfect residue field case, Selecta Mathematica, New Series, 30(2023)
- [5] Tong Liu, Yong Suk Moon, Deepam Patel, Relative Fontaine-Messing theory over power series rings, International Mathematics Research Notices(2023)
- [6] Yong Suk Moon, On Fontaine's conjuecture for torsion crystalline local systems, arXiv:2304.00855(2023)
- [7] Tong Liu, Yong Suk Moon, Relative crystalline representations and p-divisible groups in the small ramification case, Algebra & Number Theory, 14(2020)
- [8] Yong Suk Moon, Extending p-divisible Groups and Barsotti-Tate Deformation Ring in the Relative Case, International Mathematics Research Notices(2020)
- [9] Yong Suk Moon, Potentially semi-stable deformations of specified Hodge-Tate type and Galois type, Journal of Number Theory, 181(2017)
- [10] Yong Suk Moon, Galois deformation ring and Barsotti-Tate representations in the relative case, Ph.D Thesis(2016)
更新时间: 2024-10-19 21:22:35