访问研究员单位: 北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院 , 芝加哥大学
团队: 数学物理和广义相对论
办公室: A6-104
邮箱: pwiegmann@bimsa.cn
研究方向: 数学物理
Pavel Wiegmann received his PhD and Habilitation from the Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics in Moscow, where he worked as a Senior Researcher until 1994. Between 1990 and 1992, he held a similar position at Princeton University and the Institute for Advanced Study before joining the faculty at the University of Chicago, where he currently holds the title of Distinguished Service Professor at the Kadanoff Center for Theoretical Physics. In 2004, he was an invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Madrid. He received the Humboldt Prize (also known as the Humboldt Research Award) in 2002 and became a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2003. That same year, he held the Kramers Chair at the Spinoza Institute in Utrecht, Netherlands, and in 2006, he held the Chaire Internationale Blaise Pascal in Île-de-France. He was named a Simons Foundation Fellow in 2015 and received the Onsager Prize from the American Physical Society in 2017. Wiegmann's research interests span a wide range of topics, including: Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics (electronic physics in low dimensions, quantum magnetism, correlated electronic systems, quantum Hall effects, topological aspects of condensed matter, quantum field theories, and quantum liquids);Mathematical Physics (integrable models of quantum field theory and statistical mechanics, quantum groups, and representation theory);Quantum Field Theory (anomalies, conformal field theory, quantum gravity, stochastic geometry, and random matrix theory); Nonlinear Physics (stochastic aspects of pattern formation, interface dynamics, incommensurate systems, integrable aspects of nonlinear physics, and singularities in hydrodynamics and fluid mechanics).
更新时间: 2024-09-30 15:45:17