团队: 数论和表示论
办公室: A3-3a-307
邮箱: lupucezar@bimsa.cn
研究方向: 基础数学
个人主页: https://lupucezar.wordpress.com/
Cezar Lupu obtained his PhD degree from the University of Pittsburgh in 2018 with a thesis on special values of Riemann zeta and multiple zeta functions under the supervision of Piotr Hajlasz and William C. Troy. Between 2018-2021, he was a postdoctoral scholar at Texas Tech University under the mentorship of Razvan Gelca and Dermot McCarthy. In 2021, he moved to China as a postdoctoral fellow at the Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA) and Tsinghua University under the mentorship of Shing-Tung Yau until 2024. His main research interests are in the areas of number theory, analysis and special functions. Most of his recent research is centered around special values of L-functions and multiple zeta functions which play an important role at the interface of analysis, number theory, geometry and physics. He taught numerous courses at Pitt and TTU both undergraduate and graduate ranging from calculus and linear algebra to abstract algebra and real analysis. Also, he coached the best undergraduate students for the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition. After moving to China, he taught courses at the Qiuzhen College, Tsinghua University. Together with other colleagues from Tsinghua University, he is organizing the Shadow Putnam Mathematical Competition at the Qiuzhen College. Moreover, starting 2023, he is the academic director of the International Mathematics Summer Camp (IMSC). <br><br>
- real functions, generalized derivatives, mean-value theorems, convexity, functional and probabilistic inequalities, operator inequalities, Sobolev spaces, fine properties of measurable functions, isoperimetric inequalities
- special values of L-functions and multiple zeta functions, modular forms, special functions in p-adic setting, Mahler measure of (multivariable) polynomials
- (generalized) Hypergeometric functions, (quantum & multiple) polylogarithms, orthogonal polynomials, summation formulas
- convex geometry, minimal surfaces, isoperimetric inequalities for curves, symmetric spaces, inequalities for the eigenvalues of Laplacian, Chern-Simmons theory of knot invariants
- 2014 - 2018 University of Pittsburgh Mathematics Ph.D (Supervisor: Piotr Hajlasz & William C. Troy)
- 2012 - 2014 University of Pittsburgh Mathematics Master
- 2008 - 2012 University of Craiova Mathematics Ph.D (Supervisor: Vicentiu Radulescu)
- 2008 - 2010 University of Bucharest Mathematics M.Sc.
- 2004 - 2008 University of Bucharest Mathematics Bachelor
- 2024 - Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA) & Tsinghua University Assistant Professor
- 2021 - 2024 Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA) & Tsinghua University Postdoctoral Fellow
- 2018 - 2021 Texas Tech University Postdoctoral Scholar
- 2012 - 2018 University of Pittsburgh Teaching Assistant
- 2009 - 2011 Politehnica University of Bucharest Teaching Assistant
- 2025 Invited Speaker at The 2024 Annual International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (ICCM2024), Shanghai
- 2023 Distinguished Teaching Award, Qiuzhen College, Tsinghua University
- 2023 Certificate of achievement-First Prize for exceptional work in organizing IMSC23, Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications
- 2022 Speaker at The 9th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (ICCM2022), Nanjing
- 2016 Recipient of the Elizabeth Baranger Teaching Award, University of Pittsburgh
- 2012 Dietrich Arts & Sciences PhD Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh
- [1] Cezar Lupu, Vlad Matei, On some rational zeta series involving ζ(2n) and binomial coefficients, submitted (2025)
- [2] Li Lai, Cezar Lupu, Derek Orr, Elementary proofs of Zagier's formula for multiple zeta values and its odd variant, accepted by Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (2025)
- [3] Cezar Lupu, Dongsheng Wu, Approximations by special values of the Riemann zeta function via cotangent integrals, accepted by Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2025)
- [4] Cezar Lupu, Stefan Spataru, On an Erdos inscribed triangle inequality revisited, accepted by Elemente der Mathematik(2024)
- [5] Cezar Lupu, How many stones can we place in empty baskets?, accepted by Elemente der Mathematik(2024)
- [6] Cezar Lupu, Another look at Zagier’s formula for multiple zeta values involving Hoffman elements, Mathematische Zeitschrift , 231 (2022), 3127-3140
- [7] Cezar Lupu, Derek Orr, Approximations of Apery’s constant ζ(3) and rational series representations involving ζ(2n), The Ramanujan Journal, 48, 477-494 (2019)
- [8] Cezar Lupu, A new proof of the Finsler-Hadwiger inequality, American Mathematical Monthly, 124(2017), 73
- [9] Cezar Lupu, Dan Schwarz, Another look at some new Cauchy-Schwarz type inner product inequalities, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 231 (2014), 463-477
- [10] Cezar Lupu, Mean value problems of Flett type for a Volterra operator, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2013(2013), article 53, 1-7
- [11] Cezar Lupu, Vlad Matei, Arithmetic functions, prime counting function and polynomials, Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, 15(2012), 549-558
- [12] Nicusor Costea, Daniel Alexandru Ion, Cezar Lupu , Variational like inequality problems involving set-valued mappings and generalized monotonicity, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 155(2012), 79-99
- [13] Nicusor Costea, Cezar Lupu , On a class of variational-hemivariational inequalities involving set-valued mappings, Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1(2010), 233-246
- [14] Cezar Lupu, Tudorel Lupu, Mean value theorems for some linear integral operators, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2009(2009), article 117, 1-15
Instructor (courses taught in China):
- Spring 2025 Analysis II, Qiuzhen College, Tsinghua University
- Fall 2024 YMSC Creative Problem Solving, Tsinghua University
- Spring 2023 Introduction to Analytic Number Theory, Qiuzhen College, Tsinghua University
- Fall 2022 Creative Problem Solving, Qiuzhen College, Tsinghua University
- Spring 2022 YMSC Problem Solving Seminar, Tsinghua University
Education and Outreach
Teaching and leadership activities (in China):
- December 2024, Organizer of the 3rd Shadow Putnam Mathematical Competition, Qiuzhen College, Tsinghua University
- June-July 2024 Academic Director, The 2nd International Mathematics Summer Camp (IMSC), Tangyun Conference Center, Beijing
- December 2023 Organizer of the 2nd Shadow Putnam Mathematical Competition, Qiuzhen College, Tsinghua University
- June-July 2023 Academic Director, The 1st International Mathematics Summer Camp (IMSC), Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applicatons (BIMSA), Beijing
- July-August 2023 Instructor, Yau Tsinghua Mathcamp, Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum (TSIMF), Sanya, Hainan
- December 2022 Organizer of the 1st Shadow Putnam Mathematical Competition, Qiuzhen College, Tsinghua University
- July-August 2022 Lecturer, Yau Tsinghua Mathcamp, Beijing
更新时间: 2025-02-05 05:33:12