教授单位: 北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院 , 清华丘成桐数学科学中心
团队: 量子对称
邮箱: liuzhengwei@bimsa.cn
研究方向: 量子计算和量子信息
个人主页: https://bimsa.net/people/zwliu/
- 数学,数学物理和量子信息,特别是子因子理论和量子傅立叶分析,及其与算子代数、纽结理论、低维拓扑、量子群表示论、傅里叶分析、范畴学、量子信息、量子场论等领域的联系。
- 2011 - 2015 范德堡大学 数学 博士 (Supervisor: Vaughan F.R. Jones)
- 2009 - 2011 新罕布什尔大学 数学 硕士
- 2005 - 2009 北京大学 数学 学士
- 2021 - 北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院 Professor
- 2019 - 清华大学 教授
- 2015 - 2019 哈佛大学 博士后
- 2019 ICCM silver award
- 2018 ICCM best paper award
- 2014 Bjarni J´onsson Prize for Research, Vanderbilt University
- [1] Linzhe Huang , Zhengwei Liu, Sebastien Palcoux, Jinsong Wu, Complete Positivity of Comultiplication and Primary Criteria for Unitary Categorification, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2024(1), 817–860 (2024)
- [2] Zhengwei Liu, William Norledge, Adrian Ocneanu, The adjoint braid arrangement as a combinatorial Lie algebra via the Steinmann relations, JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED ALGEBRA(2023)
- [3] Zhengwei Liu, Sebastien Palcoux, Yunxiang Ren, Interpolated family of non group-like simple integral fusion rings of Lie type, Internat. J. Math., 34(2023), 6
- [4] Linzhe Huang, Zhengwei Liu, Jinsong Wu, Quantum smooth uncertainty principles for von Neumann bi-algebras, accepted by Quantum Topology(2023)
- [5] Zhengwei Liu, Sebastien Palcoux, Yunxiang Ren, Classification of Grothendieck rings of complex fusion categories of multiplicity one up to rank six , Letters in Mathematical Physics, 112(54) (2022)
- [6] Zhengwei Liu, Sebastien Palcoux, Yunxiang Ren, Triangular prism equations and categorification, arXiv:2303.06522(2022)
- [7] G. Kibrom and L. Huang, Boundedness and spectrum of multiplicative convolution operators induced by arithmetic functions, Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.)(2019)
- [8] Zhengwei Liu, Obituary: Vaughan Jones, Not. ICCM, 9(1), 69-73, 2021(2021)
- [9] Antisymmetric characters and Fourier duality. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2021, 284, 77-108 (Joint with Jinsong Wu,) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00220-021-04047-5
- [10] Zhengwei Liu, Sebastien Palcoux, Jinsong Wu, Fusion Bialgebras and Fourier Analysis: Analytic obstructions for unitary categorification, Advances in Mathematics, 390(2021), 107905
- [11] The Grothendieck Ring of a Family of Spherical Categories. (joint with Christopher Ryba) arXiv:2007.05622
- [12] Reflection Positivity and Levin-Wen Models. Expositiones Mathematicae, a special issue dedicated to Dick Kadison, 2020, 38(2), 202-216 (Joint with Arthur Jaffe,)
- [13] Quantum Fourier Analysis PNAS 2020, 117(20): 10715-10720 (Joint with Chunlan Jiang, Arthur Jaffe, Yunxiang Ren and Jinsong Wu) www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.2002813117
- [14] Non-Commutative R´enyi entropic uncertainty principles. Science China Mathematics, 2020,63, 2287-2298. (Joint with Jinsong Wu) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11425-019-9523-4
- [15] De Finetti theorems for braided parafermions. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2020, 373: 435-456 (Joint with Kaifeng Bu, Arthur Jaffe, Jinsong Wu,) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00220-019-03579-1
- [16] Lifting shadings on symmetrically self-dual subfactor planar algebras. Contemporary Mathematics, 2020, 747 (Joint with Scott Morrison and Dave Penneys) https://doi.org/10.1090/conm/747/15038
- [17] The adjoint braid arrangement as a combinatorial Lie algebra via the Steinmann relations. (Joint with William Norledge, Adrian Ocneanu,) arXiv:1901.03243
- [18] Quantized Graphs and Quantum Error Correction. arXiv:1910.12065
- [19] Universal Quantum Computation by a Single Photon. (Joint with Xiaoqin Gao) arXiv:1909.09535
- [20] A Mathematical Picture Language Project. to appear 2019 ICCM conference proceedings. (Joint with Arthur Jaffe,)
- [21] Classification of Thurston-relation subfactor planar algebras. Quantum Topology, 2019, 10(3),441-480 (Joint with Corey Jones and Yunxiang Ren) doi: 10.4171/QT/126,
- [22] An angle between intermediate subfactors and its rigidity. Transactions of the AMS, 2019,371: 5973-5991 (Joint with Keshab Bakshi, Sayan Das, and Yunxiang Ren) https://doi.org/10.1090/tran/7738
- [23] Quon Language: Surface Algebras and Fourier Duality. Communications in MathematicalPhysics, 2019, 366: 865-894 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00220-019-03361-3
- [24] Block maps and Fourier analysis. Science China Mathematics, 2019, 62(8) 1585-1614 (Joint with Chunlan Jiang and Jinsong Wu) doi:10.1007/s11425-017-9263-7
- [25] Jones-Wassermann subfactors for modular tensor categories. Advances in Mathematics, 2019,355(15): 106775 (Joint with Feng Xu) arXiv:1612.08573
- [26] Extremal pairs of Young’s inequality for Kac algebras. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 2018,295 (1) 103-121. (Joint with Jinsong Wu) doi:10.2140/pjm.2018.295.103
- [27] Holographic software for quantum networks. Science China Mathematics, 2018, 61 (4): 593-626 (Joint with Arthur Jaffe and Alex Wozniakowski) doi:10.1007/s11425-017-9207-3
- [28] Mathematical picture language program. PNAS, 2018, 115(1): 81-86. (Joint with Arthur Jaffe) doi:10.1073/pnas.1710707114
- [29] Uncertainty principles for locally compact quantum groups. Journal of Functional Analysis,2018, 274(8): 2399-2445 (Joint with Chunlan Jiang and Jinsong Wu) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfa.2017.09.010
- [30] Constructive simulation and topological design of protocols. New Journal of Physics, 2017,19(6): 063016 (Joint with Arthur Jaffe and Alex Wozniakowski) https://doi.org/10.1088/1367-2630/aa5b57
- [31] Quon 3D language for quantum information. PNAS, 2017, 114(10): 2947-2502 (Joint with Arthur Jaffe and Alex Wozniakowski) doi:10.1073/pnas.1621345114
- [32] Planar para algebras, reflection positivity. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2017,352(1): 95-133. (Joint with Arthur Jaffe) doi:10.1007/s00220-016-2779-4
- [33] Singly generated planar algebras of small dimension, part III. Transactions of the AMS, 2017,369(4): 2461-2476. (Joint with Dietmar Bisch and Vaughan F. R. Jones) https://doi.org/10.1090/tran/6719
- [34] Uncertainty principle for Kac algebras. Journal of Mathematical Physics 2017, 58(5): 052102 (Joint with Jinsong Wu) http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4983755
- [35] Young’s inequality for locally compact quantum groups. Journal of Operator Theory, 2017,77(1): 109-131. (Joint with Simeng Wang and Jinsong Wu) http://dx.doi.org/10.7900/jot.2016mar03.2104
- [36] The Noncommutative Fourier Transform: A survey. Acta Mathematica Sinica Chinese Series, (In honor of the 75th birthday of Bingren Li) 2017, 60(1): 69-80. (Joint with Jinsong Wu) arXiv:1611.04630
- [37] The generator conjecture for 3G subfactor planar algebras. The Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, Mathematical Sciences Institute, the Australian National University: The Proceedings in honor of Vaughan F. R. Jones’ 60th birthday conferences, edited by Scott Morrison and David Penneys 2017, 46: 344-366 (Joint with Dave Penneys) arXiv:1507.04794
- [38] Noncommutative uncertainty principles. Journal of Functional Analysis, 2016, 270(1): 264-311. (Joint with Chunlan Jiang and Jinsong Wu) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfa.2015.08.007
- [39] Exchange relation planar algebras of small rank. Transactions of the AMS, 2016, 368(12):8303-8348. https://doi.org/10.1090/tran/6582
- [40] Yang-Baxter relation planar algebras. arXiv:1507.06030
- [41] 1-supertransitive subfactors with index at most 6+1/5. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2015, 334(2): 889-922. (Joint with Scott Morrison and Dave Penneys) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00220-014-2160-4
- [42] Composed inclusions of A3 and A4 subfactors. Advances in Mathematics, 2015, 279: 307-371 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2015.03.017
更新时间: 2024-09-12 17:18:03