助理研究员团队: 量子场论和弦理论
办公室: A3-3-205
邮箱: wanzheyan@bimsa.cn
研究方向: 代数拓扑、理论物理
个人主页: https://bimsa.net/people/zheyanwan
- 2014 - 2019 中国科学技术大学 数学物理 博士
- 2009 - 2014 中国科学技术大学 数学与应用数学 学士
- 2022 - 北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院 助理研究员
- 2019 - 2022 清华⼤学丘成桐数学科学中⼼ 博士后
- [1] 萬喆彥, 關於丘成桐先生自傳中的一個幾何問題, 數理人文, 26 (2024)
- [2] Zheyan Wan, A matrix solution to any polygon equation, arXiv:2407.07131 (2024)
- [3] Zheyan Wan, Juven Wang, Shing-Tung Yau, Yi-Zhuang You, C-R-T Fractionalization, Fermions, and Mod 8 Periodicity, arXiv:2312.17126(2023)
- [4] Vassily Olegovich Manturov, Zheyan Wan, The photography method: solving pentagon equation, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 32(2023), 11
- [5] Weiyan Chen, Zheyan Wan, Topological complexity of finding flex points on cubic plane curves, arXiv:2306.17303(2023)
- [6] Juven Wang, Zheyan Wan, Yi-Zhuang You, Cobordism and Deformation Class of the Standard Model, PHYSICAL REVIEW D (2022)
- [7] Zheyan Wan, Juven Wang, Xiao-Gang Wen, 3+1d Boundaries with Gravitational Anomaly of 4+1d Invertible Topological Order for Branch-Independent Bosonic Systems, PHYSICAL REVIEW B (2022)
- [8] Juven Wang, Zheyan Wan, Yi-Zhuang You, Proton Stability: From the Standard Model to Beyond Grand Unification, PHYSICAL REVIEW D (2022)
- [9] Zheyan Wan, On Prof. Yau’s problem, Notices of the International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (2021)
- [10] Zheyan Wan, Yilong Wang, Classification of spherical fusion categories of Frobenius-Schur exponent 2, ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM, 28(1), 39-50 (2021)
- [11] Zheyan Wan, Juven Wang, Yunqin Zheng, Higher Anomalies, Higher Symmetries, and Cobordisms II: Lorentz Symmetry Extension and Enriched Bosonic/Fermionic Quantum Gauge Theory, Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (2020)
- [12] Zheyan Wan, Juven Wang, Beyond Standard Models and Grand Unifications: Anomalies, Topological Terms, and Dynamical Constraints via Cobordisms, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (2020)
- [13] Zheyan Wan, Juven Wang, Higher Anomalies, Higher Symmetries, and Cobordisms III: QCD Matter Phases Anew, NUCLEAR PHYSICS B (2020)
- [14] Meng Guo, Kantaro Ohmori, Pavel Putrov, Zheyan Wan, Juven Wang, Fermionic Finite-Group Gauge Theories and Interacting Symmetric/Crystalline Orders via Cobordisms, COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS (2020)
- [15] Zheyan Wan, Juven Wang, Yunqin Zheng, New Higher Anomalies, SU(N) Yang-Mills Gauge Theory and ℂℙN−1 Sigma Model, Annals of Physics (2020)
- [16] Zheyan Wan, Juven Wang, Yunqin Zheng, Quantum 4d Yang-Mills Theory and Time-Reversal Symmetric 5d Higher-Gauge Topological Field Theory , PHYSICAL REVIEW D (2019)
- [17] Zheyan Wan, Juven Wang, Higher Anomalies, Higher Symmetries, and Cobordisms I: Classification of Higher-Symmetry-Protected Topological States and Their Boundary Fermionic/Bosonic Anomalies via a Generalized Cobordism Theory , Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (2019)
- [18] Zheyan Wan, Juven Wang, Adjoint QCD4, Deconfined Critical Phenomena, Symmetry-Enriched Topological Quantum Field Theory, and Higher Symmetry-Extension, PHYSICAL REVIEW D (2019)
- [19] Hua-Lin Huang, Zheyan Wan, Yu Ye, Explicit cocycle formulas on finite abelian groups with applications to braided linear Gr-categories and Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants , PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH SECTION A-MATHEMATICS (2019)
- [20] Juven Wang, Kantaro Ohmori, Pavel Putrov, Yunqin Zheng, Zheyan Wan, Meng Guo, Hai Lin, Peng Gao, Shing-Tung Yau, Tunneling Topological Vacua via Extended Operators: (Spin-)TQFT Spectra and Boundary Deconfinement in Various Dimensions, Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. (2018)
更新时间: 2024-09-12 17:18:07