研究员团队: 人工智能和机器学习
办公室: A3-1-303
邮箱: zhangxiaoming@bimsa.cn
研究方向: 大数据、人工智能
- 人工智能和大数据分析技术在工业领域的应用研发工作,专注于工业机理与数据双驱动下的数字孪生构建数学理论及方法,将工业大数据与现有的工业知识、机理模型、或仿真模型有机的结合起来,构建实时高效精准稳定的数字孪生体,并在工业互联网边缘端实现有效的个性化自我学习并提供智能自动调控策略。
- 1991 - 1993 麻省理工学院 机械工程 博士
- 1989 - 1991 麻省理工学院 物理海洋学 硕士
- 1987 - 1989 密歇根大学 计算数学 硕士
- 1982 - 1984 北京大学 计算流体力学 硕士
- 1978 - 1982 浙江大学 流体力学 学士
- 2020 - 北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院 Professor
- 2019 - 2020 浙江工业大学 兼职教授
- 2017 - 2020 浙江中国轻纺城集团股份有限公司纺织产业大数据中心 主任
- 2015 - 2020 清华大学数据科学研究所 Rong研究员
- 2012 - 2017 杭州数能科技有限公司 首席技术官
- 2010 - 2015 华东师范大学 访问教授
- 2004 - 2011 Systems Analytics 创始人, 总裁
- 2001 - 2004 Delta Search Labs 工程副总裁
- 2000 - 2001 实华开电子商务集团 技术副总裁
- 1997 - 2000 Aerodyne Research 主任工程师
- 1995 - 1996 BlazeTech Corporation 高级工程师
- 1993 - 1995 Earth Technolog (Tyco) 咨询工程师
- 1985 - 1987 中国科学院海洋研究所 助理研究员
- As a Principal Investigator, he won and presided over 20 research projects funded and awarded by governments and major corporations.
- Frequent invited keynote speakers at various conferences
- Third place in the Second China Industrial Internet Competition
- Second place in the First China Industrial Internet Competition
- First place in the Alibaba Qianlima Industrial Big Data Competition Twice
- First place in the Micro Array Quality Control (MAQC) competition hosted by the US Food and Drug Administration
- National Specially-appointed Expert
- [1] Miao He, and Xiaoming Zhang, Affinity, value homophily, and opinion dynamics: The coevolution between affinity and opinion, PLoS ONE, 18(2023), 11, e0294757
- [2] Yuzhong Hu, Xiaoming Zhang and Yiming Zhang , Mathematical Modelling of the Asymmetric Polarization Pattern in U.S. Congress, Social Networks (2023)
- [3] Xiaoming Zhang and Ping Zhang , An Integrated Mathematical Framework for Opinion Dynamics, submitted to PLOS ONE (2023)
- [4] Xiaoming Zhang, Yuzhong Hu and Yiming Zhang, The Strength of National Social Norm Determines the Polarization Pattern in U.S. Congress, submitted to PLOS ONE (2023)
- [5] Xianan Qin, Yuqing Zeng, and Xiaoming Zhang, A constant-law model for the filtering rate of nonwoven fabrics, JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE, 114(2022), 11, 1-4
- [6] 张萍,张晓明, 特定贸易关系变化下中国出口竞争力变化, 全国流通经济, 2022(29), 12-17 (2022)
- [7] 宋丛威,张晓明, 基于PyMC的线性混合模型及其在印染工业上的应用, 电脑与信息技术, (), -, 2022(2022)
- [8] Zhiwen Tu, Congwei Song, Xianan Qin and Zhang, Xiaoming John. Improving the Prfomance of Industrial Dyeing Recipe Models by Taking Logtransform in the Data Pre-processing, 2022 International Symposium on Design Studies and Intelligence Engineering (DSIE2022), 2022.
- [9] 宋丛威, 张晓明. 基于非负矩阵分解的全球贸易缺失数据填补, 计算机科学与应用, 2022, 12(9):2094-2105
- [10] 宋丛威,张晓明, 增量Bayes线性回归算法的构造与工业应用, (), -, 2021(2021)
- [11] Xianan Qin, and Xiaoming Zhang, An industrial dyeing recipe recommendation system for textile fabrics based on data-mining and modular architecture design, IEEE Access, 9(2021), 136105-136110
- [12] 宋丛威, 张晓明, 基于对称百分误差的线性回归及其在印染工业上的应用, 智能计算机与应用, (), -, 2021(2021)
- [13] SEQC/MAQC-III Consortium, A comprehensive assessment of RNA-seq accuracy, reproducibility and information content by the Sequencing Quality Control Consortium, Nature Biotechnology, 9(2014), 32, 903-914
- [14] Metabolic profiling in Caenorhabditis elegans provides an unbiased approach to investigations of dosage dependent lead toxicity, Metabolomics, 2012, 9(1): 189-201
- [15] Consistency of predictive signature genes and classifiers generated using different microarray platforms, The Pharmacogenomics Journal (2010) 10, 247–257
- [16] MAQC Consortium, The MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC)-II study of common practices for the development and validation of microarray-based predictive models, Nature Biotechnology, 28(2010), 8, 827-840
- [17] Assessing sources of inconsistencies in genotypes and their effects on genome-wide association studies with HapMap samples, The Pharmacogenomics Journal, 2010, 10, 364–374
- [18] A comparison of batch effect removal methods for enhancement of prediction performance using MAQC-II microarray gene expression data, The Pharmacogenomics Journal, 2010, 10(4): 278-291
- [19] Genomic indicators in the blood predict drug-induced liver injury, The Pharmacogenomics Journal, 2010, 4 (10): 267-277
- [20] 张晓明, 俞晓东;标准化染料信息管理系统,2022-5-20,中国,ZL 2019 1 0765840.X(发明专利)
- [21] 张晓明,施燕倩 ; 一种印染设计及生产过程基本诊断系统、设备及方法, 2021-11-26, 中国, ZL 2019 1 0764868.1 (发明专利)
- [22] 张晓明; 一种印染工业互联网平台、设备及系统, 2021-11-05, 中国, ZL 20191 0764885.5 (发明专利)
- [23] 张晓明,谢伟刚 ; 一种投票信息处理方法、装置及系统, 2016-6-22, 中国, ZL 2013 1 0216867.6(发明专利)
更新时间: 2024-09-12 17:18:03