研究员团队: 人工智能和机器学习
办公室: A3-2-306
邮箱: tanaka@bimsa.cn
研究方向: 数理逻辑、数学基础、计算理论、科学哲学
个人主页: https://sendailogic.com/tanaka.html
- Mathematical logic, foundations of mathematics, theory of computation, philosophy of science.
- - 1978 东京工业大学 信息科学 学士
- - 1980 东京工业大学 信息科学 硕士
- - 1986 加州大学伯克利分校 数学 博士
- 2021 - 2022 东北大学数学科学研究联盟中心 教授
- 2017 - 2018 日本数学会 顾问
- 2013 - 2015 符号逻辑学会 顾问
- 2013 - 2018 纯逻辑和应用逻辑年鉴 编辑
- 2008 - 2009 东北大学数学研究院 院长
- 2008 - 2017 科学基础论学会 会长
- 2004 - 2006 东北大学信息学院 副院长
- 1997 - 2021 东北大学数学研究院 教授
- 1997 - 1999 日本数学会 顾问
- 1993 - 1997 东北大学数学研究院 副教授
- 1991 - 1993 东北大学数学系 副教授
- 1986 - 1991 东京工业大学信息科学系 助理教授
- 2022 - 东北大学 名誉教授
- 2022 - 北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院 研究员
- [1] Wenjuan Li, and Kazuyuki Tanaka, Determinacy of probabilistic ω-languages with strict threshold semantics, accepted by RIMS Kokyuroku(2024)
- [2] Keisuke Yoshii and Kazuyuki Tanaka, Transfinite iterations of Σ11 inductive definitions – Reconsideration of Nemoto’s Conjecture –, accepted by RIMS Kokyuroku(2024)
- [3] Kazuyuki Tanaka, NingNing Peng, Weiguang Peng, and Wenjuan Li, The equilibria of independent distributions on unbalanced game trees, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 43(2024), 5, 267
- [4] Kazuyuki Tanaka and Keisuke Yoshii, Infinite games, inductive definitions and transfinite recursion. Computability Theory and Foundations of Mathematics 2019 (Wuhan), World-Scientific (2022), 47 -78.
- [5] Wenjuan Li, and Kazuyuki Tanaka, Second-order logic and related systems: a game-semantical perspective, Mathematical Logic and its Applications (SAML), RIMS Kokyuroku, 2233(2022), 1-19
- [6] Leonardo Pacheco, and Kazuyuki Tanaka, The alternation hierarchy of the μ-calculus over weakly transitive frames, International Workshop on Logic, Language, Information, and Computation. Cham: Springer International Publishing(2022), 207-220
- [7] Leonardo Pacheco, and Kazuyuki Tanaka, On the Degrees of Ignorance: via Epistemic Logic and µ-Calculus, On the degrees of ignorance: via epistemic logic and $mu$-calculus(2022), 74-78
- [8] Leonardo Pacheco, Wenjuan Li, and Kazuyuki Tanaka, On one-variable fragments of modal µ-calculus, Computability Theory and Foundations of Mathematics 2019 (Wuhan), World-Scientific(2022), 17-45
- [9] Weiguang Peng, Ningning Peng, and Kazuyuki Tanaka, The eigen-distribution for multi-branching weighted trees on independent distributions, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 24(2022), 277-287
更新时间: 2024-09-30 15:45:14