Sergio Cecotti
研究员团队: 量子场论和弦理论
办公室: A3-4-212
研究方向: 理论物理、弦理论
意大利著名数学家、物理学家,Segio Cecotti于1979年毕业于比萨大学物理系,曾先后在加州大学洛杉矶分校、哈佛大学、欧洲核子中心、国际理论物理中心、意大利国际高等研究院等机构任职。主要从事几何和代数方法在量子场论、弦论和量子引力问题中的应用研究。2014年任SISSA全职教授。已发表约100篇文章,总引用次数7260,H指数是44.
- 1975 - 1979 比萨大学 物理 Laurea
- 2022 - 北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院 研究员
- 2014 - 2022 意大利国际高等研究院 教授
- 1988 - 2014 意大利国际高等研究院 副教授
- 1986 - 1988 欧洲核子研究组织 研究员
- 1984 - 1988 Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Pisa 助理教授
- 1981 - 1982 哈佛大学 博士后
- [1] P.C. Argyres, S. Cecotti, M. Del Zotto, M. Martone, R. Moscrop, B. Smith, Allowed Coulomb branch scaling dimensions of four dimension N=2 SCFTs, arXiv:2409.xxxx (2024)
- [2] S. Cecotti, A property of geodesics in special Kahler geometry, arXiv:2407.09866 (2024)
- [3] S. Cecotti, The Weil correspondence and universal special geometry, JHEP, 07(020) (2024)
- [4] S. Cecotti, Statistical Mechanics, An advanced concise textbook, Springer, 330 pages (2024)
- [5] S. Cecotti, Analytic Mechanics, A concise textbook, Springer, 340 pages (2024)
- [6] S. Cecotti, Hwang-Oguiso invariants and frozen singularities in Special Geometry, JHEP, 04, 012 (2024)
- [7] Cecotti S., Direct and Inverse Problems in Special Geometry, arXiv:2312.02536 (2023)
- [8] Cecotti S., Introduction to String Theory, Theor. Math. Phys.(2023)
- [9] Cecotti S., Del Zotto M., Martone M., Moscrop R., The Characteristic Dimension of Four-Dimensional N = 2 SCFTs, Commun.Math.Phys., 400(2023), 1, 519-540
- [10] S. Cecotti, Fuchsian ODEs as Seiberg dualities, Adv. Math. Phys., 27(8), 2429-2490 (2023)
- [11] Cecotti S., Solving a puzzle in the rank 2 N = 2 classification by Argyres and Martone(2022)
- [12] Cecotti, S, Swampland geometry and the gauge couplings, JHEP, 9(2021)
- [13] Cecotti S., Special Geometry and the Swampland, JHEP, 09(2020)
- [14] Cecotti S., Gerig C., Vafa C., G2 holonomy, Taubes’ construction of Seiberg-Witten invariants and superconducting vortices, JHEP, 04(2020)
- [15] Cecotti S., Moduli spaces of Calabi-Yau d -folds as gravitational-chiral instantons, JHEP, 12(2020)
- [16] Cecotti S., Bergamin R., FQHE and tt∗ geometry, JHEP, 12(2019)
- [17] Cecotti S., Caorsi M., Homological classification of 4d N = 2 QFT. Rank-1 revisited, JHEP, 10(2019)
- [18] M. Bershadsky, S. Cecotti, H. Ooguri, C, Vafa, \Kodaira-Spencer theory of gravity and exact results for quantum string amplitudes", Comm. Math. Phys. 165 (1994) 311-428 (996 citations)
- [19] M. Bershadsky, S. Cecotti, H. Ooguri, C, Vafa, \Holomorphic anomalies in topological field theories" Nucl. Phys. B405 (1993) 279-304 (432 Citations)
- [20] S. Cecotti, C. Vafa, "On classfication of N=2 supersymmetric theories", Comm. Math. Phys. 158 (1993) 569-664 (344 Citations)
- [21] S. Cecotti, C. Vafa, "Topological antitopological fusion", Nucl. Phys. B367 (1991) (388 Citations)
- [22] S. Cecotti, S. Ferrara, L. Girardello, \Geometry of Type II superstrings and the moduli of superconformal field theories", Int. J. Mod. Phys. A4 (1989) 2475 (445 citations)
- [23] S. Cecotti, A. Neitzke, C. Vafa, "R-twisting and 4d/2d correspondences", arXiv:1006.3435 (240 Citations)
更新时间: 2024-09-12 17:18:06