单位: 北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院 , 清华丘成桐数学科学中心
团队: 统计、概率和数据科学
办公室: A3-3-305
邮箱: ronglingwu@bimsa.cn
研究方向: 应用统计学、数学生物学、计算医学
邬荣领,1995年获美国华盛顿大学(西雅图)数量遗传学博士学位,曾任美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学统计学、公共卫生科学杰出教授,统计遗传研究中心主任,现任北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院研究员、清华大学丘成桐数学研究中心曾思明讲座教授,同时担任遗传学、生物信息学、计算生物学领域多家期刊主编、副主编、特约编辑和编委。入选美国科学促进会会士、美国统计学会会士,获美国应用数学与统计研究院(SAMSI)杰出研究员奖、佛罗里达大学研究基金教授奖、宾夕法尼亚州立大学杰出大学教授奖、Floyd科学创新等。研究兴趣包括:发展跨学科统计方法,揭示复杂性状及人类复杂疾病的遗传控制机理。提出的功能作图(Functional mapping)方法能有效发现性状发育的遗传规律,刻画基因效应随时空变化的关键模式。将功能作图与进化博弈论、尺度理论、食饵-捕食者理论相结合,发展出一系列计算方法用于构建从分子到表型的多层次、多空间、多刻度的基因型-表型关系立体网络,为系统生物学、系统医学、系统药物学研究提供分析工具。在Nature Reviews Genetics、Nature Communications、PNAS、Journal of the American Statistical Association、Annals of Applied Statistics、Physics of Life Reviews、Physics Reports、Briefings in Bioinformatics、Cell Reports、Evolution等国际重要刊物上发表SCI论文逾400篇,研究成果被Science、Cell等重要刊物引用或重点介绍。
- My research interest is focused on dissecting the genetic architecture of complex traits underlying agricultural production, human diseases, and evolutionary novelties. Complex traits are multifactorial, dynamic, interdependent, and sensitive to environmental signals, proven to represent one of the most difficult subjects of research in modern biology. My research program has been centered on disentangling such complexities of complex traits by developing interdisciplinary, sophisticated statistical methods and designing elegant biological experiments, through which new concepts and theories for genetic research and new insight into genetic mechanisms can be expected to gain.
- 1990 - 1995 华盛顿大学 数量遗传学 博士
- 1984 - 1987 南京林业大学 林业遗传学 硕士
- 1980 - 1984 南京林业大学 园林 学士
- 2022 - 北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院 研究员
- 2015 - 宾夕法尼亚统计学院 统计学与公共医学杰出教授
- 2009 - 北京林业大学 首席研究员
- 2008 - 2008 普林斯顿大学 客座研究员
- 2008 - 宾夕法尼亚Hershey医学院 统计遗传学中心主任
- 2008 - 2015 宾夕法尼亚统计学院 统计学与公共医学教授
- 2007 - 2008 佛罗里达大学 大学研究基金教授
- 2003 - 2008 佛罗里达大学 副教授(终身)
- 2000 - 2003 佛罗里达大学 助理教授
- 1998 - 2000 北卡罗莱纳州立大学 博士后研究员
- 1996 - 1998 北卡罗莱纳州立大学 博士后研究员
- 1995 - 1996 华盛顿大学 博士后研究员
- 1987 - 1990 南京林业大学 助理教授
- [1] Rongling Wu, Claudia Gragnoli, The melanocortin receptor genes are linked to and associated with the risk of polycystic ovarian syndrome in Italian families, Journal of Ovarian Research (2024)
- [2] Li Feng, Huiying Gong, Shen Zhang, Xiang Liu, Yu Wang, Chengwen Xue, Christopher H. Griffin, Jie Wu, Shing-Tung Yau, and Rongling Wu, Hypernetwork modeling and topology of high-order interactions for complex systems, PNAS, 121(40), e2412220121 (2024)
- [3] Shi-Cheng Lei, Hui Liu, Yan Jin, Yun-Feng Wu, Yuehua Cui, Rongling Wu, Da-Qi Cao, Reverse solute diffusion enhances sludge dewatering in dead-end forward osmosis, Membranes (2024)
- [4] Feng Song, Wenyuan Xu, Anket Sharma, Vijay Pratap Singh, Durgesh Kumar Tripathi, Daoliang Yan, Huwei Yuan, Hong Chen, Rongling Wu, Bingsong Zheng, Physiological mechanisms of Carya illinoensis tolerance to manganese stress, submitted to Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (2024)
- [5] Junying Yuan, Ziyu Sun, Jianyu Ye, Weimin Sun, Libo Jiang, Bing Shan, Mengmeng Zhang, Jingyi Xu, Wanjin Li, Jianping Liu, Hongyang Jing, Tian Zhang, Meiling Hou, Cen Xie, Rongling Wu, and Heling Pan, Cooperation of TRADD- and RIPK1-dependent Cell Death Pathways in Maintaining Intestinal Homeostasis, Nature Cell Biology (2024)
- [6] Shuai Liu , Xiaokang Fu , Xuelian Du , Jian Hu , Lianjia Luo , Changjian Fa , Rongling Wu , Laigeng Li , Changzheng Xu , Dong Chen , Chunzhao Liu , Yue Wang, The auxin-PLETHORA 5 module regulates wood fibre development in Populus tomentosa, Nature Plants (2024)
- [7] Huiying Gong, Hongxing Wang, Yu Wang, Shen Zhang, Xiang Liu, Shuang Wu, Jie Wu, Xiaomei Sun, Shougong Zhang, Shing-Tung Yau, and Rongling Wu, Topological change of soil microbiota networks for forest resilience under global warming, Physics of Life Reviews, 50, 228-251 (2024)
- [8] Ang Dong, Li Feng, Dengcheng Yang, Shuang Wu, Jinshuai Zhao, Jing Wang, and Rongling Wu, FunGraph: A statistical protocol to reconstruct omnigenic multilayer interactome networks for complex traits, STAR Protocols, 2(2024), 4, 100985
- [9] Jincan Che, Shen Zhang, Huiying Gong, Claudia Gragnoli, Christopher Griffin, and Rongling Wu, IdopNetwork as a predictor of drug response, Drug Discovery Today (2024)
- [10] Yu Wang, Xiaoqing He, Yi Jin, Dengcheng Yang, Jincan Che, Huiying Gong, and Rongling Wu, A quantitative ecological genetic model of phenotypic plasticity in species interactions, accepted by Methods in Ecology and Evolution(2024)
- [11] Jincan Che, Li Feng, Huiying Gong, Claudia Gragnoli, Christopher Griffin, Rongling Wu, A computational model of intra- and extratumoral crosstalk in tumor growth, submitted to Cancers(2024)
- [12] Huiying Gong, Hongxing Wang, Yu Wang, Shen Zhang, Xiang Liu, Jincan Che, Shuang Wu, Jie Wu, Xiaomei Sun, Shougong Zhang, Shing-Tung Yau, and Rongling Wu, Towards a better understanding of structural-functional relationships for the soil microbiota, accepted by Physics of Life Reviews(2024)
- [13] Rongling Wu, A conceptual model of wiring up whole plasticity genes, accepted by New Phytologist(2024)
- [14] Rongling Wu, Claudia Gragnoli, Linkage and association of rs3110045 and rs28499085 variants in the thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor (TRHR) gene with the risk of familial type 2 diabetes, Aspects of Molecular Medicine, 3, 100037 (2024)
- [15] Guohui Fan, Wuyue Yang, Dingyi Wang, Feiya Xu, Yeming Wang, Chaozeng Si, Zhenguo Zhai, Zhongjie Li, Rongling Wu, Bin Cao, Prolonged lymphopenia and prognoses among inpatients with different respiratory virus infections: a retrospective cohort study, Heliyon(2024)
- [16] Da-Qi Cao, Yan Jin, Hui Liu, Shi-Cheng Lei, Yi-Xuan Song, Jia-Lin Han, Xiao-Di Hao, Ming-Guo Ma, Zhongguo Zhang, Rongling Wu, Concentration properties of biopolymers via dead-end forward osmosis, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules(2024)
- [17] Chintan Gandhi, Lynnlee Depicolzuane, Chixiang Chen, Catherine Roberts, Natalie Sicher, Katelyn Johnson Wegerson, Neal Thomas, Rongling Wu, and Joanna Floros, Association of SNP-SNP interactions of surfactant protein genes with severity of respiratory syncytial virus infection in children, accepted by Frontiers in Genetics(2024)
- [18] Da-Qi Cao, Rong-Kun Fang, Yi-Xuan Song, Ming-Guo Ma, Haiyan Li, Xiao-Di Hao, Rongling Wu, Xiangyu Chen, Contact-electro-catalysis for degradation of trace antibiotics in wastewater, Chemical Engineering Journal, 487(2024), 150531
- [19] Dong A, Wang J, Che JC, Wu RL, A statistical mechanic model of tissue crosstalk during graft formation, accepted by Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal(2024)
- [20] Rongling Wu, Teodor T. Postolache, Claudia Gragnoli, A Novel Gene Linked to and Associated with Familial Type 2 Diabetes and Depression, accepted by Int J Mol Sci(2024)
- [21] Che JC, Dong A, Wu S, Wu RL, A computational-experimental design to map the transgenerational genetic architecture of phenotypic plasticity, accepted by Horticulture Research(2024)
- [22] Sangam Lal Dwivedi, Luis Felipe Quiroz, Charles Spillane, Rongling Wu, Autar K. Mattoo, Rodomiro Ortiz, Unlocking allelic variation in circadian clock genes to develop environmentally robust and productive crops, Planta, 259(2024), 72
- [23] Christopher Griffin, Li Feng, and Rongling Wu, Spatial Dynamics of Higher Order Rock-Paper-Scissors and Generalisations, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 57(2024), 18, 185701
- [24] Wu RL, Postolache TT, Gragnoli C, PRLHR: A Novel Gene Linked to and Associated with Familial Type 2 Diabetes and Depression, accepted by Aspects of Molecular Medicine(2023)
- [25] Shuang Wu, Xiang Liu, Ang Dong, Claudia Gragnoli, Christopher Griffin, Jie Wu, Shing-Tung Yau, and Rongling Wu, The metabolomic physics of complex diseases, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(2023), 42, e2308496120
- [26] Ang Dong, Shuang Wu, Jincan Che, Yu Wang, and Rongling Wu, IdopNetwork: A network tool to dissect spatial community ecology, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14(9), 2272-2283 (2023)
- [27] Kaiyan Lu, Xueshun Wang, Huiying Gong, Dengcheng Yang, Meixia Ye, Qing Fang, Xiao-Yu Zhang, and Rongling Wu, The genetic architecture of trait covariation in Populus euphratica, a desert tree, Frontiers in Plant Science(2023)
- [28] Li Feng, Wuyue Yang, Mengdong Ding, Luke Hou, Claudia Gragnoli, Christopher Griffin, and Rongling Wu, A personalized pharmaco-epistatic network model of precision medicine, Drug Discovery Today, 28(2023), 7, 103608
- [29] Yu Wang, Mengmeng Sang, Claudia Gragnoli, Christopher Griffin, and Rongling Wu, A pleiotropic-epistatic entanglement model of complex traits, Drug Discovery Today, 28(2023), 11, 103790
- [30] Li Feng, Dengcheng Yang, Sinan Wu, Chengwen Xue, Mengmeng Sang, Xiang Liu, Jie Wu, Claudia Gragnoli, Christopher Griffin, Chen Wang, Shing-Tung Yau, and Rongling Wu, Network modeling and topology of aging, Physics Reports (2023)
- [31] Amin M, Syed S, Wu RL, Postolache TT, Gragnoli C, Novel linkage and association of the mineralocorticoid receptor gene (NR3C2) with familial type 2 diabetes and depression and their comorbidity, Aspects of Molecular Medicine, 1(2023), 100003
- [32] Christopher Griffin, and Rongling Wu, Higher-order dynamics in the replicator equation produce a limit cycle in rock-paper-scissors, Europhysics Letters, 142(2023), 33001
- [33] Mengmeng Sang, Li Feng, Ang Dong, Claudia Gragnoli, Christopher Griffin,, and Rongling Wu, The genomic physics of tumor–microenvironment crosstalk, Physics Reports, 1029(2023), 1-51
- [34] Zhang X, Lu K, Gong HY, Yang D, Ye M, Fang Q, Wu RL, Genome-wide network analysis of above- and belowground co-growth in Populus euphratica, Plant Phenomics, 6(2023), Article ID: 0131
- [35] Wu RL, Gragnoli C, The thyrotropin releasing hormone receptor (TRHR) gene is linked to and associated with the risk of familial type 2 diabetes, accepted by Aspects of Molecular Medicine(2023)
- [36] Rongling Wu, Quantitative Methods for Precision Medicine: Pharmacogenomics in Action, Chapman and Hall/CRC, New York(2022)
- [37] Mengmeng Sang, Ang Dong, Shuang Wu, Feng Li, Jing Wang, Christopher Griffin, and Rongling Wu, A graph model of combination therapies, Drug Discovery Today, 27(5), 1210-1217 (2022)
- [38] Qian Wang, Ang Dong, Libo Jiang, Christopher Griffin, and Rongling Wu, A Single-Cell Omics Network Model of Cell Crosstalk during the Formation of Primordial Follicles, Cells, 11(2022), 3, 332
- [39] Ang Dong, Jinshuai Zhao, Christopher Griffin, and Rongling Wu, The Genomic Physics of COVID-19 Pathogenesis and Spread, Cells, 11(2021), 1, 80
- [40] Qian Wang, Ang Dong, Libo Jiang, Christopher Griffin, and Rongling Wu, Inferring multilayer interactome networks shaping phenotypic plasticity and evolution, Nature Communications, 12(2021), 1, 5304
- [41] Lidan Sun, Ang Dong, Christopher Griffin, and Rongling Wu, Statistical mechanics of clock gene networks underlying circadian rhythms, Applied Physics Reviews, 8(2021), 021313
- [42] Haojie Wang, Meixia Ye, Yaru Fu, Ang Dong, Miaomiao Zhang, Li Feng, Xuli Zhu, Wenhao Bo, Libo Jiang, Christopher H. Griffin, Dan Liang, and Rongling Wu, Modeling genome-wide by environment interactions through omnigenic interactome networks, Cell Reports, 35(2021), 6, 109114
- [43] Christopher Griffin, Libo Jiang, and Rongling Wu, Analysis of quasi-dynamic ordinary differential equations and the quasi-dynamic replicator, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 555(2020), 124422
更新时间: 2024-12-06 20:57:10