助理研究员团队: 人工智能和机器学习
办公室: A3-3-308
邮箱: william@bimsa.cn
研究方向: 人工智能
个人主页: https://github.com/Freakwill
- 机器学习
- 2011 - 2014 浙江大学 基础数学 博士
- 2008 - 2011 浙江工业大学 应用数学 硕士
- 2004 - 2008 宁波大学 数学与应用数学 学士
- 2021 - 北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院 Assistant Professor
- 2014 - 2021 浙江工业大学 讲师
- [1] Xianan Qin, Congwei Song, Towards understanding the non-Gaussian pore size distributions of nonwoven fabrics, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 581(2022), S0378437121004891
- [2] Tu Z, Song C, Qin X.. A Numerical Method on Resolving Finite Mixtures of Three-Dimensional Inter-site Distance Distributions Measured by Single-molecule Localization Microscopy, Microscopy (Oxf), 2022.
- [3] 宋丛威,张晓明, 基于PyMC的线性混合模型及其在印染工业上的应用, 电脑与信息技术, (), -, 2022(2022)
- [4] Zhiwen Tu, Congwei Song, Xianan Qin and Zhang, Xiaoming John. Improving the Prfomance of Industrial Dyeing Recipe Models by Taking Logtransform in the Data Pre-processing, 2022 International Symposium on Design Studies and Intelligence Engineering (DSIE2022), 2022.
- [5] 宋丛威, 张晓明. 基于非负矩阵分解的全球贸易缺失数据填补, 计算机科学与应用, 2022, 12(9):2094-2105
- [6] 宋丛威., Ell: 序列空间上运算的实现及其应用, 电脑编程技巧与维护杂志社, (), -, 2021(2021)
- [7] 宋丛威, 张晓明, 基于对称百分误差的线性回归及其在印染工业上的应用, 智能计算机与应用, (), -, 2021(2021)
- [8] 宋丛威,张晓明, 增量Bayes线性回归算法的构造与工业应用, (), -, 2021(2021)
- [9] 宋丛威. 格半模上的Lebesgue控制收敛定理, 数学的实践与认识, 2020.(Lebesgue’s Dominated Convergence Theorem on Lattice-Ordered Semimodules)
- [10] 宋丛威. 基于朴素Bayes组合的简易集成分类器, 计算机系统应⽤, 2020.(An Simply Constructed Ensemble Classifier Based on Naive Bayes Combination)
- [11] 宋丛威. ⽤OwlReady2实现智能机器⼈对话系统, 电脑编程技巧与维护, 2020.
- [12] 宋丛威. 基于Pyparsing的LaTeX数学表达式解析, 电脑编程技巧与维护, 2019, 407(05):6-8+18.
- [13] 宋丛威, 张晓明. 基于PCA的解⼤型超定线性⽅程组快速算法及应⽤, 智能计算机与应⽤, 2019, 9(4). (A fast algorithm of solving large-scale over-determined linear equations based on PCA and the application)
- [14] 江瑜, 宋丛威. ⼀种简单神经Mealy机的构造, 数学的实践与认识, 2017, 47(12):225-233. (The Structure of a Simple Neural Mealy Machine)
- [15] Congwei Song, None, None(2017)
- [16] Song, C.. 模空间上的多线性乘⼦估计, 数学学报, 2015, 58(1):107-114. (Estimates of Multilinear Multipliers on Modulation Spaces)
- [17] C. Song. Unimodular Fourier Multipliers with a Time Parameter on Modulation Spaces, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2014
- [18] C. Song. Gabor frames and multilinear multipliers on modulation spaces, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Application, 2013,
- [19] C. Song. A New Class of Spaces and the Application in the Hormander Multipliers, International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 2013,
- [20] C. Song. Oscillatory Integrals and Edge Analysis of the Continuous Shearlet Transform, Sampling Theory in Signal and Information Processing, 2013,
- [21] 宋丛威, 邸继征. Shearlet框架的构造和图像处理, 计算数学, 2011:199-212. (The Constructure of Shearlet Frame and Image Processing)
- [22] 宋丛威, 邸继征. 恒等逼近与连续⼩波变换的点态逼近, 浙江⼯业⼤学学报, 2011, 39(6):107-112. (Approximate identities and the pointwise approximation of continuous wavelet transform)
- [23] Shou H, Jiang Y, Song C, et al. Pythagorean Element on UFD and PH Curve. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
- [24] Congwei Song, Pyrimidine: An algebra-inspired Programming framework for evolutionary algorithms, submitted to Journal of Open Source Software
- [25] Congwei Song, To Describe or Construct Statistical Learning Models Using the Category-theoretical Language
更新时间: 2024-09-12 17:18:01