团队: 量子对称
办公室: A11-108
邮箱: alireza@bimsa.cn
研究方向: 凝聚态物理
个人主页: https://sites.google.com/view/alirezaakbari
He obtained his B.Sc. from Sharif University of Technology (Tehran, Iran) and his M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS, Zanjan, Iran). Before becoming an associate professor at BIMSA, he was leading the research group, 'Many-body theory and correlated systems', at the Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP, Pohang, Korea), and worked as a scientific researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (MPIPKS, Dresden, Germany); Ruhr University Bochum (RUB, Bochum, Germany); the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids (MPI-CPfS, Dresden, Germany); the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research (MPIFKF, Stuttgart, Germany); and the Max-Planck POSTECH Center for Complex Phase Materials (Pohang, Korea).
- Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Physics
- Quantum Phases of Matter
- High-Temperature and Unconventional Superconductivity
- Quantum Computation
- Quantum Information
- Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
- [1] Meghdad Yazdani-Hamid, Mehdi Biderang, Alireza Akbari, Optical Response of Multi-orbital Superconductors: Role of Fermi Surface Topology and Geometry, arXiv:2501.14254 (2025)
- [2] Chuanhao Wen, Zhiyong Hou, Alireza Akbari, Kailun Chen, Wenshan Hong, Huan Yang, Ilya Eremin, Yuan Li, Hai-Hu Wen, Unprecedentedly large pairing gap in HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+δ with the highest Tc at ambient pressure, accepted by npj Quantum Materials (arXiv:2401.17079) (2025)
- [3] Peter Thalmeier, Alireza Akbari, Burkhard Schmidt, Thermodynamics, elastic anomalies and excitations in the field induced phases of CeRh2As2, arXiv:2412.02537 (2024)
- [4] Fabrizio Cossu, Dhani Nafday, Krisztian Palotás, Mehdi Biderang, Heung-Sik Kim, Alireza Akbari, Igor Di Marco, Stacking of charge-density waves in 2H−NbSe2 bilayers, Phys. Rev. Research , 6 , 043111 (2024)
- [5] R. Jafari, A. Asadian, M. Abdi, A. Akbari, Characterizing Noise of Driven Controlled Field Using the Central Spin Model, arXiv:2409.01375 (2024)
- [6] Mehdi Biderang, Erfan Hosseini, Alireza Akbari, Entangled Photon Generation through Cooper Pair Recombination in a Noncentrosymmetric Quantum Well, arXiv:2401.11577 (2024)
- [7] Saeid Ansari, Alireza Akbari, R. Jafari , Dynamics of steered quantum coherence and magic resource under sudden quench, Quantum Information Processing, 23(2024), 212
- [8] Meghdad Yazdani-Hamid, Mehdi Biderang, Alireza Akbari, Polar Kerr effect in multiband spin-orbit coupled superconductors, Physical Review B, 109(9) (2024)
- [9] Peter Thalmeier, Alireza Akbari, Induced quantum magnetism in crystalline electric field singlet ground state models: Thermodynamics and excitations, Physical Review B, 109(11) (2024)
- [10] Mehdi Biderang, Jeehoon Kim, Reza Molavi, Alireza Akbari, Microscopic insights into the London penetration depth: Application to CeCoIn 5, Physical Review B, 109(1) (2024)
- [11] Alireza Akbari, Burkhard Schmidt, Peter Thalmeier, opological paramagnetic excitons of localized f electrons on the honeycomb lattice, Physical Review B, 108(4) (2023)
- [12] H. Al Rashid, G. Goyal, A. Akbari, D.K. Singh,, Temperature dependence of quasiparticle interference in d-wave superconductors, SciPost Physics Core , 6(033) (2023)
- [13] Alireza Akbari, Peter Thalmeier, Magnetic excitations in the helical Rashba superconductor, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 35(26), 265601 (2023)
- [14] Peter Thalmeier, Alireza Akbari, Dynamical magnetic response in superconductors with finite-momentum pairs, Physical Review B, 106(6) (2022)
- [15] S Sarkar, F Cossu, P Kumari, A G Moghaddam, A Akbari, Y O Kvashnin, I Di Marco, Magnetism between magnetic adatoms on monolayer NbSe<sub>2</sub>, 2D Materials, 9(4), 045012 (2022)
- [16] Alireza Akbari, Peter Thalmeier, Fermi surface segmentation in the helical state of a Rashba superconductor, Physical Review Research, 4(2) (2022)
- [17] R. Jafari, Alireza Akbari, Utkarsh Mishra, Henrik Johannesson, Floquet dynamical quantum phase transitions under synchronized periodic driving, Physical Review B, 105(9) (2022)
- [18] J. Naji, Masoud Jafari, R. Jafari, Alireza Akbari, Dissipative Floquet dynamical quantum phase transition, Physical Review A, 105(2) (2022)
- [19] M. Biderang, M.H. Zare, A. Akbari,, Momentum space imaging of locally noncentrosymmetric superconductors, Eur. Phys. J. B, 94, 69 (2021)
- [20] Peter Thalmeier, Alireza Akbari, Surface step states and Majorana end states in profiled topological-insulator thin films, Physical Review B, 104(18) (2021)
- [21] P. Thalmeier, A. Akbari, R. Shiina,, Multipolar order and excitations in rare-earth boride Kondo systems, Rare-Earth Borides, , 615-690 (2021)
- [22] Alireza Akbari, Peter Thalmeier, Spin excitations in the fully gapped hybridized two band superconductor, Annals of Physics, 428, 168433 (2021)
- [23] Mehdi Biderang, Alireza Akbari, Jesko Sirker, Spin and charge order in doped spin-orbit coupled Mott insulators, Physical Review B, 103(15) (2021)
- [24] Damianos Chatzopoulos, Doohee Cho, Koen M. Bastiaans, Gorm O. Steffensen, Damian Bouwmeester, Alireza Akbari, Genda Gu, Jens Paaske, Brian M. Andersen, Milan P. Allan, Spatially dispersing Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in the unconventional superconductor FeTe0.55Se0.45, Nature Communications, 12(1) (2021)
- [25] R. Jafari, Alireza Akbari, Floquet dynamical phase transition and entanglement spectrum, Physical Review A, 103(1) (2021)
- [26] Utkarsh Mishra, R Jafari, Alireza Akbari, Disordered Kitaev chain with long-range pairing: Loschmidt echo revivals and dynamical phase transitions, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 53(37), 375301 (2020)
- [27] Alireza Akbari, Peter Thalmeier, Optical and magnetic excitations in the underscreened quasiquartet Kondo lattice, Physical Review Research, 2(3) (2020)
- [28] Peter Thalmeier, Alireza Akbari, Gapped Dirac cones and spin texture in thin film topological insulator, Physical Review Research, 2(3) (2020)
- [29] R. Jafari, Alireza Akbari, Dynamics of quantum coherence and quantum Fisher information after a sudden quench, Physical Review A, 101(6) (2020)
- [30] Jakob Böker, Miguel Antonio Sulangi, Alireza Akbari, J. C. Séamus Davis, P. J. Hirschfeld, Ilya M. Eremin, Phase-sensitive determination of nodal d-wave order parameter in single-band and multiband superconductors, Physical Review B, 101(21) (2020)
- [31] P. Y. Portnichenko, A. Akbari, S. E. Nikitin, A. S. Cameron, A. V. Dukhnenko, V. B. Filipov, N. Yu. Shitsevalova, P. Čermák, I. Radelytskyi, A. Schneidewind, J. Ollivier, A. Podlesnyak, Z. Huesges, J. Xu, A. Ivanov, Y. Sidis, S. Petit, J.-M. Mignot, Field-Angle-Resolved Magnetic Excitations as a Probe of Hidden-Order Symmetry in CeB 6, Physical Review X, 10(2) (2020)
- [32] Fabrizio Cossu, Krisztián Palotás, Sagar Sarkar, Igor Di Marco, Alireza Akbari, Strain-induced stripe phase in charge-ordered single layer NbSe2, NPG Asia Materials, 12(1) (2020)
- [33] R Jafari, Saeed Mahdavifar, Alireza Akbari, Geometrically frustrated anisotropic four-leg spin-1/2 nanotube, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 31(49), 495601 (2019)
- [34] M. Biderang, M.H. Zare, A. Akbari, Superconductivity of mixed parity and frequency in an anisotropic spin-orbit coupling, arXiv:1906.08130 (2019)
- [35] R. Jafari, S. Mahdavifar, A. Akbari, , Magnetization Plateaus in a Geometrically Frustrated Anisotropic Four-Leg Nanotube" , AAPPS Bulletin, 29(3), 48 (2019)
- [36] M. Biderang, A. Leonhardt, N. Raghuvanshi, A. Schnyder, A. Akbari,, Drumhead surface states and their signatures in quasiparticle scattering interference", Phys. Rev. B , 98, 075115 (2018)
- [37] Dheeraj Kumar Singh, Alireza Akbari, Pinaki Majumdar, Quasi-one-dimensional nanoscale modulation as sign of nematicity in iron pnictides and chalcogenides, Physical Review B, 98(18) (2018)
- [38] Utkarsh Mishra, Hadi Cheraghi, Saeed Mahdavifar, R. Jafari, Alireza Akbari, Dynamical quantum correlations after sudden quenches, Physical Review A, 98(5) (2018)
- [39] Fabrizio Cossu, Ali G. Moghaddam, Kyoo Kim, Hassan A. Tahini, Igor Di Marco, Han-Woong Yeom, Alireza Akbari, Unveiling hidden charge density waves in single-layer NbSe 2 by impurities, Physical Review B, 98(19) (2018)
- [40] Peter Thalmeier, Alireza Akbari, Heavy quasiparticle bands in the underscreened quasiquartet Kondo lattice, Physical Review B, 98(15) (2018)
- [41] Mehdi Biderang, Andreas Leonhardt, Nimisha Raghuvanshi, Andreas P. Schnyder, Alireza Akbari, Drumhead surface states and their signatures in quasiparticle scattering interference, Physical Review B, 98(7) (2018)
- [42] Sergio Cobo-Lopez, Mohammad Saeed Bahramy, Ryotaro Arita, Alireza Akbari, Ilya Eremin, Spin–orbit coupling, minimal model and potential Cooper-pairing from repulsion in BiS<sub>2</sub>-superconductors, New Journal of Physics, 20(4), 043029 (2018)
- [43] Mohammad-Hossein Zare, Mehdi Biderang, Alireza Akbari, Mixed-pairing superconductivity in 5 d Mott insulators with antisymmetric exchange: Application to Sr 2 IrO 4, Physical Review B, 96(20) (2017)
- [44] Seokhwan Choi, Steven Johnston, Won-Jun Jang, Klaus Koepernik, Ken Nakatsukasa, Jong Mok Ok, Hyun-Jung Lee, Hyun Woo Choi, Alex Taekyung Lee, Alireza Akbari, Yannis K. Semertzidis, Yunkyu Bang, Jun Sung Kim, Jhinhwan Lee, Correlation of Fe-based superconductivity and electron-phonon coupling in an FeAs/Oxide heterostructure, Physical Review Letters, 119(10) (2017)
- [45] Fabian Lambert, Alireza Akbari., Peter Thalmeier, Ilya Eremin, Surface State Tunneling Signatures in the Two-Component Superconductor UPt 3, Physical Review Letters, 118(8) (2017)
- [46] R. Jafari, A. Langari, A. Akbari and K.S. Kim,, Real space renormalization of Majorana fermions in quantum nano-wire superconductors" , J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 82, 024008 (2017)
- [47] Sergio Cobo, Felix Ahn, Ilya Eremin, Alireza Akbari, Anisotropic spin fluctuations in Sr 2 RuO 4: Role of spin-orbit coupling and induced strain, Physical Review B, 94(22) (2016)
- [48] Alireza Akbari, Peter Thalmeier, Momentum space imaging of the FFLO state, New Journal of Physics, 18(6), 063030 (2016)
- [49] Bhaskar Kamble, Alireza Akbari, Ilya Eremin, Investigation of magnetic phases in parent compounds of iron-chalcogenides via quasiparticle scattering interference, EPL (Europhysics Letters), 114(1), 17001 (2016)
- [50] P. Thalmeier, and A. Akbari, Quasiparticle scattering image in hidden order phases and chiral superconductors, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 400, 23 (2016)
- [51] Alireza Akbari, Peter Thalmeier, Collective spin resonance excitation in the gapped itinerant multipole hidden order phase of URu 2 Si 2, Physical Review B, 92(9) (2015)
- [52] R. Jafari, Alireza Akbari, Gapped quantum criticality gains long-time quantum correlations, EPL (Europhysics Letters), 111(1), 10007 (2015)
- [53] P. Thalmeier, and A. Akbari, Resonant spin excitations in unconventional heavy fermion superconductors and Kondo lattice compounds, Proceedings of the 50th Karpacz Winter School (2015)
- [54] Alireza Akbari, Peter Thalmeier, Hidden-order symmetry and superconductivity in URu 2 Si 2 investigated by quasiparticle interference, Physical Review B, 90(22) (2014)
- [55] Alireza Akbari, Giniyat Khaliullin, Magnetic excitations in a spin-orbit-coupled d 4 Mott insulator on the square lattice, Physical Review B, 90(3) (2014)
- [56] Alireza Akbari, Peter Thalmeier, Gap function of hexagonal pnictide superconductor SrPtAs from quasiparticle interference spectrum, EPL (Europhysics Letters), 106(2), 27006 (2014)
- [57] P. Thalmeier and A. Akbari, Quasiparticle Interference in Unconventional Singlet and Mixed Singlet-Triplet Heavy Fermion Superconductors, JPS Conf. Proc., 3, 015005 (2014)
- [58] Alireza Akbari, Peter Thalmeier, Full t-matrix approach to quasiparticle interference in non-centrosymmetric superconductors, The European Physical Journal B, 86(12) (2013)
- [59] Alireza Akbari, Peter Thalmeier, Multiorbital and hybridization effects in the quasiparticle interference of the triplet superconductor Sr 2 RuO 4, Physical Review B, 88(13) (2013)
- [60] Alireza Akbari, Peter Thalmeier, Rashba spin-orbit coupling effects in quasiparticle interference of non-centrosymmetric superconductors, EPL (Europhysics Letters), 102(5), 57008 (2013)
- [61] Alireza Akbari, Peter Thalmeier, Ilya Eremin, Evolution of the multiband Ruderman–Kittel–Kasuya–Yosida interaction: application to iron pnictides and chalcogenides, New Journal of Physics, 15(3), 033034 (2013)
- [62] Peter Thalmeier, Alireza Akbari, Spin excitons in the unconventional superconducting and hidden order state of strongly correlated electrons, The European Physical Journal B, 86(3) (2013)
- [63] A. Akbari and P. Thalmeier, Spin excitons from hybridized heavy quasiparticles in YbB12 and CeB6, J. Korean Phys. Soc., 62, 1418 (2013)
- [64] Alireza Akbari, Andreas P. Schnyder, Dirk Manske, Ilya Eremin, Theory of nonequilibrium dynamics of multiband superconductors, EPL (Europhysics Letters), 101(1), 17002 (2013)
- [65] Peter Thalmeier, Alireza Akbari, Inelastic magnetic scattering effect on local density of states of topological insulators, Physical Review B, 86(24) (2012)
- [66] Alireza Akbari, Peter Thalmeier, Field-induced spin exciton doublet splitting in dx 2− y 2-wave Ce M In 5 (M= Rh, Ir, Co) heavy-electron superconductors, Physical Review B, 86(13) (2012)
- [67] Alireza Akbari, Peter Thalmeier, Spin exciton formation inside the hidden order phase of CeB 6, Physical Review Letters, 108(14) (2012)
- [68] Alireza Akbari, Peter Thalmeier, Ilya Eremin, Magnetic Rare-Earth Impurity Resonance Bound States in Iron-Based Superconductors, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 24(3), 1173-1176 (2011)
- [69] Alireza Akbari, Ilya Eremin, Peter Thalmeier, RKKY interaction in the spin-density-wave phase of iron-based superconductors, Physical Review B, 84(13) (2011)
- [70] Alireza Akbari, Peter Thalmeier, Ilya Eremin, Quasiparticle interference in the heavy-fermion superconductor CeCoIn 5, Physical Review B, 84(13) (2011)
- [71] A. Akbari, J. Knolle, I. Eremin, R. Moessner, Quasiparticle interference in iron-based superconductors, Physical Review B, 82(22) (2010)
- [72] J. Knolle, I. Eremin, A. Akbari, R. Moessner, Quasiparticle Interference in the Spin-Density Wave Phase of Iron-Based Superconductors, Physical Review Letters, 104(25) (2010)
- [73] D. N. Argyriou, A. Hiess, A. Akbari, I. Eremin, M. M. Korshunov, Jin Hu, Bin Qian, Zhiqiang Mao, Yiming Qiu, Collin Broholm, W. Bao, Incommensurate itinerant antiferromagnetic excitations and spin resonance in the FeTe 0.6 Se 0.4 superconductor, Physical Review B, 81(22) (2010)
- [74] M. R. Soltani, S. Mahdavifar, A. Akbari, A. A. Masoudi, Metamagnetic Phase Transition in the 1D Ising Plus Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Model, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 23(7), 1369-1375 (2010)
- [75] P. Thalmeier, A. Akbari, and I. Eremin, Feedback effect on spin excitations in Ce-based unconventional superconductors, Physica C, 470, S548 (2010)
- [76] Alireza Akbari, Ilya Eremin, Peter Thalmeier, Magnetic impurity resonance states and symmetry of the superconducting order parameter in iron-based superconductors, Physical Review B, 81(1) (2010)
- [77] P. Thalmeier, I. Eremin, A. Akbari, P. Fulde, Feedback Spin Exciton Formation in Unconventional Superconductors, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 23(5), 729-732 (2010)
- [78] A. Akbari, I. Eremin, P. Thalmeier, P. Fulde, Theory of the bound state of 4 f excitations and magnetic resonance in unconventional superconductors, Physical Review B, 80(10) (2009)
- [79] Alireza Akbari, Peter Thalmeier, Peter Fulde, Theory of Spin Exciton in the Kondo Semiconductor YbB 12, Physical Review Letters, 102(10) (2009)
- [80] Alireza Akbari,, Quadrupole Effect on the Heat Conductivity of Cold Glasses, Physica B, 403, 3942 (2008)
- [81] Saeed Mahdavifar, Alireza Akbari, Heat capacity of Schottky type in low-dimensional spin systems, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 20(21), 215213 (2008)
- [82] Saeed Mahdavifar, Alireza Akbari, Alternating Heisenberg Spin-1/2 Chains in a Transverse Magnetic Field, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 77(2), 024710 (2008)
- [83] Alireza Akbari, D Bodea, A Langari, Dielectric susceptibility and heat capacity of ultra-cold glasses in magnetic fields, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 19(46), 466105 (2007)
- [84] A. Akbari, A. Langari, Effect of the Aharanov-Bohm phase on the magnetic-field dependence of two-pulse echoes in glasses at low temperatures, Physical Review B, 72(2) (2005)
更新时间: 2025-01-27 16:07:59